1. Horde of Lordaeron: Characters both interesting and disturbing.

    I've played on private servers for a couple years now and like many of you I've met some pretty crazy players in my time.
    But none so much as I have on Lordaeron; From <LORD BOXXY HAS RISEN> to the love drama of angry transvestites the Horde of Lordaeron truly takes the cake for the most interesting and disturbing WoW community I've ever experienced so I decided to share!

    Catfacts: Now I haven't asked the Alliance if they have someone similiar (or possibly the same) but on the Horde we have a very interesting character simply named Catfacts whom, for the life of me I do not know why, only ever talks in global (no leveling or trolling that I've seen) and ONLY talks about cat.. facts.. and has managed a cult following of adoration that I am proud to be a part of.
    --- "On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. That means a nine-year-old cat has been awake for only three years of its life."
    --- "Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth. Scientists believe this is due to a mutation in a key taste receptor."
    --- "Cats make about 100 different sounds. Dogs make only about 10"
    Now imagine logging on to a mass of nerds screaming "CATFACTS HAVE MY CHILDREN!!" followed by one of these mildly amusing cat facts.. Wtflux, right? But it begs the questions.. Who IS Catfacts?!? Why is He/She obsessed with Catfacts??? If it's a she, is she hot??? We may never know.. But I do instead know that: "Every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in Asia."
    Catfacts where ever you are in the world, you're doing gods work.

    Thediddler: He may be my personal favorite. Thediddler doesn't say much, but when he does it's usually pretty scary...
    ---"You hear a rustle in bushes behind you..."
    ---"The walls begin to leak chloroform"
    ---"You feel eyes staring at you from a dark corner..."
    These are just SOME of the quotes this guy says in /global.. and it's all he ever says, ever. Actually he and I had a brief conversation in /w once; he told me that if I told anyone the details of it he'd "diddle me timbers". I don't know what that means, and I don't want to. Fact remains, on the Alliance they do **** [spellname]. On the Horde we do DIDDLE [spellname] (yes, **** jokes too but diddle is actually funny).

    Alessia & Ish, love affair gone wrong: I'll admit, I don't know all the details of what's going on here but it's something bat**** crazy!!!
    When I first saw Ish in global he was advertising for love. This dude was literally looking for someone he could talk dirty with while questing. That in it's self... is just kind of weird. You know? It's not really "ignore" worthy but it's shooting up all kinds of red flags. I have a cheap laugh over it and let it go though, figured it was a one time troll.
    After a couple days of him advertising the same thing though, I inquire: "You don't really expect to find someone, right? I mean, if you do, they'll be like stupid crazy of course."
    His response: "It's like salt."

    Idk man, just.. Idk....

    So I let it alone. But it isn't long before Ish gets a little more serious about his search for love: "<Rainbow Sparkle Pony's> Looking for other Pony's!!!"
    (Bronys on the server? There goes the neighborhood...) His original advert was a little more obvious in saying that he was indeed a homosexual looking for other homosexuals to indulge their homosexuality in, but you get my point.
    A couple days go by before his guild advert changes, this time to include a very passionate insult towards the physical figure of Alessia, whom is a male.
    THAT advert turns in to something like: "Male doctor looking for patients with *insertgenitaldiseasehere* just get on Skype and show the affected area! Unless you're Alessia because nobody wants to see that jelly belly." *pin drops*
    I went on to ask Alessia if he **** blocked Ish, to get so much hate...
    His response: "lol, everyone has, the dude has serious problems".
    Indubitably, my dear Watson.

    I mean, guys, it's just advert after advert of this crap. I've never seen anything like it. It's incredibly disturbing and extremely hilarious but in all honesty I'm glad to be behind the safety of my keyboard because that's some straight up Buffalo Bill ****. Does it put the lotion in the basket? Only if it wants to reach level cap.
    For the record though, I don't have a problem with gays or transvestites so long as you respect boundaries. Bronys, I mean no offense but seriously, wtf man? (rhetorical)

    <LORD BOXXY HAS RISEN>: Boxxy, Boxxy, Boxxy. . . Boxxy. Where do you start with this guy? He holds the record for most account bans AND shortest ban streak (because he resets his router every time he gets a ban to acquire a new IP address). He's the kind of player whom says something simple in /global and gets a response of pure hatred: (make note that Boxxyv is an alt of his, his main account is banned)
    "[GLOBAL] [Boxxyv]: LFM RFC FAST RUN!!"
    "[GLOBAL] [Randomplayer]: How many times do I have to put you on ignore before you stay there, Boxxy?"
    All. Day. Long. It's like this with him. He has sowed so much hate in to the community that he barely has to try anymore to reap it. Seriously though, he barely tries. He'll just say some random, dumb **** in /global not really targeted at anyone, and it almost always gets a response. After that it's all down hill. He'll egg whomever he can in to an argument about something totally irrelevant and then when global is in shambles he'll simply stop talking and let the chaos ensue. I'm not saying he's a manipulator of the highest caliber but he's certainly spent A LOT of time doing what he does. He has a guild, a fan club, a plethora of wannabe trolls and all the infamy he needs to absolutely wreck /global.
    He's even been able to start petty disputes with a GM(s) in /global.
    You love him, you hate him, he is -the- troll of Lordaeron.

    This concludes my more memorable experiences with the Horde community thus far. It's an aboslute ****storm but I can only assume the Alliance is just as bad..right?
    Edited: November 9, 2015

  2. Boxxy was on alliance for a short period of time before he realized that Horde are way more responsive. Why the hell are you honoring these braindead trolls, just let them fade into the shadows and cry in a corner by themselves so that they stop bothering everyone else.

  3. Boxxy was on alliance for a short period of time before he realized that Horde are way more responsive. Why the hell are you honoring these braindead trolls, just let them fade into the shadows and cry in a corner by themselves so that they stop bothering everyone else.
    A dude using genital diseases as an excuse to see other guys junk on skype, a player who spends a good deal of time almost every day posting cat facts, and ~THE DIDDLER~ out of all this crazy ****, Boxxy is the one named specifically. If that doesn't prove that ignoring them doesn't make them go away, idk what will.
    Edited: November 9, 2015

  4. These guys make me so happy that I am horde. Seeing such stuff in /global certainly does make levelling a little less boring!

  5. tl;dr horde global is cancer

    Leave global, ignore them, get a filter addon or just reroll alliance

  6. tl;dr horde global is cancer

    Leave global, ignore them, get a filter addon or just reroll alliance
    Actually he's saying that Horde has a lot of unique characters on global while Alliance is stereotypically a "**** [spellname]" community.

    Spoiler: Show
    ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮

  7. I wish there were more players like these they bring somewhat uniques to the game,and nice text i enjoyed reading it, i see you made an effort.

  8. Actually he's saying that Horde has a lot of unique characters on global while Alliance is stereotypically a "**** [spellname]" community.

    Spoiler: Show
    ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮

    LFM Hellfire Dungeons... NO PALADINS/WARRIORS!

  9. Horde global > ally

    speeshul thz two catfacts and boxxy

  10. Alliance is worse. Trust me.

    At least Horde side, people you interact with in the world and dungeons aren't selfish *******s (most of the times... looking at you, Raizzar or w/e the **** your name was, killing ogres in STV and refusing to party with the other people there). Whereas ally side, people will go out of their way to make your experience miserable.

  11. I've talked with a lot of trolls on a real level and I can honestly say they're pretty normal dudes.. One of them told me that the reason he acts the way he does is simply because he's reliving the nostalgia of being a kid again, throwing off the mantle of adulthood because no part of this game should be taken seriously.
    I don't know about you guys but I can totally relate to that.

    I think it's the players who take this **** way to seriously that ruin the game. Be it a die-hard elitist or an overly perturbed basement dweller.

  12. Unfortunately most of those interesting people seem to only play on NA times the chat is really boring on EU times when i play.

  13. This was an absolutely fantastic read. I have also noticed we seem to have a few people on global that have escaped from the local asylum.

    None of them mean any actual offense, all in a good days gaming!

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