1. I love all the replies! Thanks so much. I've gotten my choice down to two servers now, this being one of them. I think i will play both at the same time, in hopes that Warmane eventually overcomes the other. With AT helping, i do think that the patches will actually happen. Therefore my hope is with Warmane! :)

    + the population is one of the highest. I can't find many others with peeks as high as this one. Only like two Russian servers that are close/even. Just wanted to add that.

  2. 6) Warmane has the biggest potential of all the private MoP servers, but still they havent really put the effort needed to shine. So i guess hope is the answer.
    Keked,there's better MoP servers out there,this one simply has the most people.

  3. Keked,there's better MoP servers out there,this one simply has the most people.
    nope, not anymore

  4. I just have a few question regarding FrostWolf (MoP Realm ).

    Question 1 : What are the server rates ?

    Question 2 : As a new player to the MoP realm, what are major bugs do i need to watch-out for ? Things i will eventually encounter?

    Question 3 : Is the realm getting proper attention/support from the devs ?

    Question 4 : How's the community ? Should i be expecting scumbags ? So far my experience is fantastic. I have people helping me gear, for no apparent reason. It's really quiet nice so far.

    Question 5 : If there was one thing you could change about FW, what would it be ?

    Question 6 : Why did you chose this realm over other PServers/REALMs ? - Do not give any examples or mention other server names, just explain why.

    Best regards
    1: x7 i think
    2: warrs, mages lol
    3: to an extent, no worse then usual lol
    4: i tend to stay out of global. the ones worth talking to, usually don't talk in global :)
    5: i'd put it on US servers
    6: ladies.. seriously

  5. I just have a few question regarding FrostWolf (MoP Realm ).

    Question 1 : What are the server rates ?

    Question 2 : As a new player to the MoP realm, what are major bugs do i need to watch-out for ? Things i will eventually encounter?

    Question 3 : Is the realm getting proper attention/support from the devs ?

    Question 4 : How's the community ? Should i be expecting scumbags ? So far my experience is fantastic. I have people helping me gear, for no apparent reason. It's really quiet nice so far.

    Question 5 : If there was one thing you could change about FW, what would it be ?

    Question 6 : Why did you chose this realm over other PServers/REALMs ? - Do not give any examples or mention other server names, just explain why.

    Best regards
    Based on my personal experience and as stated above:
    1. x7 Exp x5 Rep rates. Honor is x1 or x2, but Kotmogu sometimes bugs up and awards huge amounts of honor.
    I got over 3k honor in one day because I lucked out on three consecutive bugged Kotmogu wins, one of which was a daily win.
    2. Not really. The server is a diamond in the rough. It needs a good sand-job and a nice polish to make it into the gem it deserves to be. Nothing gamebreaking from what I can tell, though. Just a lot of minor inconveniences.
    3. No. Sadly, not right now. I hope the devs will keep their promise and focus on Frostwolf after they're done with Lorderon.
    4. I play both factions, and I can tell you this: The Alliance is cancerous. The Horde, slightly less so, but if you want a less douche-baggy community, Horde is the way to go on Frostwolf.
    5. Getting battle pets fixed. I really like that feature, and I am still bitter about it not functioning.
    6. Because I was dragged here by a friend. Honestly though, it's a step up from my last server. *coughsh!tstormcough*

  6. How is FW dead if there's 4500 players online and 5k at peaks.
    when the server was released yea, but now? not anymore

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