1. Devlog update for all expansions will be posted tomorrow.
    So when you say 'for all expansions' you really mean 'Lordaeron'? Still waiting on a Cata/MoP one...

    Think you should rename to Lordmane in all honesty...1.5k fixes to Lord and what have Cata/MoP got? Nothing.

  2. So when you say 'for all expansions' you really mean 'Lordaeron'? Still waiting on a Cata/MoP one...

    Think you should rename to Lordmane in all honesty...1.5k fixes to Lord and what have Cata/MoP got? Nothing.
    No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.

    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.

  3. No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.

    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.
    So pretty much the realm that gets the most updated, get its devlog first, rather than the two realms that haven't had a serious update in half a year. Furthermore, the change-logs for said realm also take priority over the devlog of the others.

    At this point I'm not sure if this is all some joke being played on the most loyal of players who stuck by your side after the debacle that was moltdown. Lordaeron has brought virtually nothing to those of us who lost everything. In fact, it seems it has only taken more and more.

    As of now, someone new coming to Warmane is being given a realm that is almost perfect, while the few of us who decided to stick around rot in every other realm that is in terrible condition. Ragnaros and deathwing suck. Neltharion and warsong suck. Frostwolf sucks. All the veterans have gotten so far are promises, for half a year.

    Sorry for the rant, but it's getting really tiring. I'm almost certain after Lord, we'll be treated to a hardcore cata and mop realm as well, so that again those of us who stuck by your side get screwed in favor of bringing in new players.

  4. No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.

    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.
    Well congratulation warmane you made us fell like ****. Cuz why wuold you take 30min of your time to write 2 sentences cuz that is devlog (I dont know why are you talking about change log), we are obviously not an important part of your community, at least that is how i feel.....

  5. No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.

    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.
    So you're telling me it's taking more than 5 hours to write 3 paragraphs?

    We understand Lordaeron is your favourite child and that you're humans. But you need to realize that we have been waiting a long time to get some fixes.

    Need more time to release SOO? No problem. Still fixing Battle for Gilneas? Ok. But having bugged profession perks? Seriously? Not a game-breaking bug, but still something that should've been fixed a long time ago.

    Yes yes, you're working on Lordaeron so you can port the changes to the other realms, but while you do that, the MoP community feels really neglected.

    ^ And that's totally not a rant.
    Edited: December 15, 2015

  6. "devlog" != "changelog" hence "no update".


  7. there will be nothing left of FW when they done with their lord realm! as someone who played mop here since day 1 ( when i say day 1 i mean day 1 molten launched it...good old days...) and been loyal to them i should say i'm done! bye lordmane!

  8. I first am waiting new patch on Mop. Its like server is ful of PvP. It is kinda sad,that all you can do somethimes is just log in and do your daily rdf. Cuz,i really dont need more chars ( i dont wonna do buggy qvests,especialy in Pandaria). But,i understand some things. Lorderon is bringing this ppls money,brings tham some popularity like some let us say "name" in other privat servers. It is easyer to script and fix something old,and already done (but not in a proper way) than script SOO. And no,Warmane stuf and didnt say easy,easyer. Than,when they will have more recources to work with,they will start inprooving other servers ( i sure whope so) There for,please guys,i know you have little man working to make everything "good" on servers,but please more focus Pandaria and Cata. On that servers are more old players playing here since day 1 than you are realyzing. Gz on anather WoTlk server. I whope it will give you,and us at the end,what you wanted.

  9. No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.
    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.
    What happened to the planned Q&A last week? What happened to devlog "yesterday" .....you do know that all this is written in a threat that is questioning all of Warmane communication and planning skills, don't you?
    Lordaeron is a priority and you guys work hard, we get that ....but hey, the lack of responsibility is getting RIDICULOUSLY insulting alrdy

  10. there will be nothing left of FW when they done with their lord realm! as someone who played mop here since day 1 ( when i say day 1 i mean day 1 molten launched it...good old days...) and been loyal to them i should say i'm done! bye lordmane!
    that is very true , especially now that there are other private servers with a way better qualitty that do fixes on a DAILY basis almost , and the population are rising because of it

    here we have alchemist flask not working since.. ever , heck i remember when i came here in the start of the year , warlock buff was broken , i had to buff everyone by one! rogue vanish breaks everything , hunter stampede , everyone doing insane damage.. half the spells dont work...

    i have so many characters , ,max professions , a guild , twinks.. yet this is just too bad. I played WOTLK when it came out , it was fun , it was great! but that was years ago , i like MOP , i like tmogs , i like new things i dont want go kill arthas for the 3000x

    soon frostwolf wil be dead, hell , its half dead already , it wont matter 5.4.8 will be here , because there will still a ton of buggs.

  11. As of now, someone new coming to Warmane is being given a realm that is almost perfect, while the few of us who decided to stick around rot in every other realm that is in terrible condition. Ragnaros and deathwing suck. Neltharion and warsong suck. Frostwolf sucks. All the veterans have gotten so far are promises, for half a year.
    hmmm, to think about it he does have a point here.
    is it me or its that they keep bragging about how many people they have on Lordaeron. cough! one person have ten account cough!.
    i think if you can't or don't know how to develope MOP, you should delete MOP and stick with CATA
    Edited: December 15, 2015

  12. No, when we said all expansions, we meant all expansions. Rest of the devlog is still being written, we just pushed out what we had at the time and are working on the rest, but as you might know even Warmane staff needs sleep. On top of that change-logs are being written which can be also very time-consuming but important as well.

    You can expect it to be done in a few hours, once it's properly written and thought through.
    Okay, a couple of things.
    1. Why wasn't this preemptively said? It shouldn't take a mini rant for you to decide to update us on why one devlog is out and not the others. It's only a small bother but it is what's happening on a larger scale! We get 0 information until we go through 5-6 rant threads and finally we get a SMALL piece of information which consists of the word soon/near-future etc. And 9/10 times it turns out to be incorrect. We need constant communication with actual dates and if for whatever reason date's can't be given (we understand, deadlines can't always be met and wrong dates will anger the community) then tell us and give us the reason. Not treat us to this 'soon' topic that just keeps us in the dark.

    2. Why release one expansions dev-log on it's own. Seriously that is the worst thing to do, especially when it was a realm that for players who don't play there, are fed up of hearing about non-stop. Either you should of released a devlog for another realm or keep them all away till they were all ready to go live and let us know here 'We have 1 Devlog written up and ready to go, the staff need's their sleep and we are planning on writing a Changelog for all(?) realms too'. I can imagine 90% of us here would of said along the lines 'That's great, we look forward to it bla bla bla'. Again though, communication errors. The LEAST you could of done is add at the bottom of the Lordaeron Devlog is 'Devlog and changelogs for other realms are being written as we speak, may take a few more hours due to staff needing to sleep'.

    Yes I'm ranting now, and no it's not down to reason's like 'Oh this server is bad' 'Staff are useless'. It's just down to the fact that once again Cata/MoP are being shunned by that 'flagship' Lordaeron realm. When was the last time Neltharion got a changelog? May 20th. Frostwolf? November 4th and Lord, (not counting today's) FIVE since september! Five changelogs in the space of ONE for Nelth. That's just wrong. Especially as Notorious said, Lord is mainly built up of new/returning players. Nelth/Warsong/Frostwolf are all built of your veterans that stuck through all the promises, character wipes and all other matters. And yet again, we have nothing to show for it.

  13. I'm sure that fixing MOP is hard and complicated but i think that we would like to know something about timing, process and, eventually, problems that staff meets on the way.

    The last update for frostwolf, in devlog, is about 1 month ago. In this month there have been many updates on lordaeron and stop. Is true that staff are focus on lordaeron and isn't anything wrong but, please, tell us something!

    something like: "we have some problems on beta testing" or " we have to fix this parti: xxxxxx " or " we have problem to fixing chubby bunny game"

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