1. Griefing.

    So I've been told that Warmane does take actions against malicious griefing and so I have a question. 2 level 30's are farming Astanaar currently with their 70+lvl death knight friend. The low levels do their best to CC you while the high level comes to 1 shot you. Naturally they've killed all NPC's so you can't fly away and stuff. They corpse camp and spam gestures and what not. Clearly this is done with the intent to pick on low levels.
    Is this reportable and how?

  2. Not, it's not. The best thing you can do is log out and wait till they're gone.

    Ahh, don't you just love the world PvP? ;p

  3. Actually I do enjoy world PvP. I've been having a blast in outland on my main. It's just these fat, nerdy 12 year olds that do this that piss me off.
    Anyways I resolved the issue by killing them on my high lvl. Turns out that DK enjoyed corpse camping far more than being corpse camped himself. I'm sad this isn't reportable. This kind of behavior should be discouraged imo.

  4. Such actions are not bannable so I'm afraid there's no need to report it.

  5. This kind of behavior should be discouraged imo.
    you can't expect that kind of respect, so it has to be enforced by game mechanics.
    ^ ^ ^
    I believe Obnoxious stated it best.

    If something isn't "enforced" in one way or another (other than by players) it will be quite hard to get players to adhere to it for the most part.

    Either let it go or enact vengeance. When players gank me or someone else I screenshot their name(s) and put them on a list, after I get higher level and or on days I'm not doing much I alternate names on the list, seek them out and attack them over and over. When players use forced PvP to inconvenience others/me essentially they are asking for it in return.

  6. Make you "Hit list". Eventually you will be @max level. Then unleash the hell on those who camped you, whenever you see them in-game.

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