1. This is the core issue, all the focus is going into a single realm and if the other realms will have to wait for any upgrades until Lordaeron is finished then its going to take another 5 months~ with the current of release rate of content on Lordaeron.

    Naxx/Os/EoT are scheduled for release today so that will last until next month if not more.
    Then its going to be Ulduar for another month or two.
    Then its going to be ToC/Onyxia.
    Then ICC will follow next and likely RS will be last to be released a month after the Icecrown Citadel hits live.

    If this is the case then it means that Cataclysm, Pandaria and other WoTLK realms will continue to steadily decline in population as they have been for the recent months due to lack of attention other than rare critical fixes to resolve stability issues. It might seem that MoP is doing fine right now, but its temporary due to the promised 5.4.8 that was supposed to be released 'soon' as stated in October 4, 2015

    Everyone is hyped up and returning to the realm, population is healthy.

    A minor setback, some unforeseen issues arise that push the update by estimated 2-3 weeks. It's fine this stuff happens all the time with everyone, community patiently waits and population grows along with the anticipation for the new patch and endgame content.

    Hype is real and population is really healthy, guilds are rebuilding in preparation of conquering the newly released content.

    2 weeks later

    Players are slowly getting upset due to the broken promises.

    December 14th
    Devlog for Lordaeron comes out but the rest of the realms remain clueless.

    Reason: Devs need sleep, Lordaerons changelogs and devlog required more time than anticipated.

    This is the timeline so far. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and now from the post made by Arbiterone we hear that Frostwolf will get work done on it only after Lordaeron is fully released, which will be late spring early summer.

    This is the view from outside, and players patience is running low.
    this is on one hand funny and on the other hand sad as ****. But yeah so They will care about mop only when lordearon is FINISHED ? LOL
    You cant finish a private server oh god lol. I can imagine how we gonna wait another 1 year. Well i might be out than until Warmane wants to do something. This is dumb. S14 with 522 Gear and locks gonna hit with 170k UA dispells because of BUFFSTACKING. Ye every little trash server has fixed it already. I have no idea why they don't even fix important bugs like Alt + f4 in arena or Buff stacking or just open every Raid / dungeon. I have no idea and i guess i dont even want to understand the thoughts from warmane. W/e man but atleast @staff let us know if its worth playing here anymore or if you just want to let frostwolf die because seriously i don't wanna waste my time. There is 0 effort and tbh Guys Mods always Are in the forums so they communicate with us, you cant complain about that. But Jk this "Communication" doesnt help if you guys telling us lies like "5.4.8 will come soon" I heard that like 20 times now within 2 months .... fck that i guess there will be never a ETA for anything because they dont even know it by their own. At least answer @proteran thanks

    btw i want to mention that Mop has way more potential as wotlk. I remember back when there still was "Arena Tournament" They had a 5.4.8 test server where you could get free gear etc. It was like 3-4 months after wod release ? Sorry cant remember exactly. Ok but still man you guys had ppl like
    many other streamer who played on your 5.4.8 server and streamed. It was a huuuge promotion for your server and the 3s queues even on 2k mmr + were almost instant. So much ppl played there because they missed 5.4.8. Thats what you need, streamer like them who just make promotion for your server. But yeah they don't want to join a server where you need to level for ages to play a broken content. The AT server was full and almost daily fixes... it was so nice until they merged with ??? (forgot that name lol)
    Anyways yes warmane you did it already betther tbh.
    Edited: December 19, 2015

  2. It is simple, don't donate to Warmane till they start fixing server. Till then play or take a break.

  3. focus will become FW when Lordaeron is finished..
    So players from Nelth are going to have to wait another year+ for updates? Ayee lmao what a ****ing joke.

  4. I'm wondering if the server is down ? I just created my new acc and when i log in the server is off(frostwolf).

  5. The MoP devlog has been written and is going through last checks to make sure that we've got all information right in it. (It's hard to write comprehensible information from commit logs and such).

    Yah...enough said.

  6. Or what whas that childrens saying again: "Liar, liar your forum's on fire"

  7. The MoP devlog has been written and is going through last checks to make sure that we've got all information right in it. (It's hard to write comprehensible information from commit logs and such).
    Is he engraving it by hand on stone plates? 4+days to write a devlog.
    He could have typed it in with his feet by this time...

  8. Is he engraving it by hand on stone plates? 4+days to write a devlog.
    He could have typed it in with his feet by this time...
    LOL /bow Well said!

  9. The best part is that eventually to shut us up,they gonna throw a bone,release 5.4.8 with almost half the content we had till now disabled cuz it's ''undergoing final tests'' and even tho it's 50/50 that something will go horribly wrong,people will shut up.
    Account details tells me that the last time i logged was 22 days ago,well ****,here's to another 60 and a bet on my scrotum that frontpage will still be spammed with random wotlk news and updates regarding the latest and greatest ddos bot tickling the login server which clearly is worthy of front page attention.

  10. They went on Sinai, waiting for God to carve them like He did with 10 commandments.

    In regards to content and fixes, don't worry, it will come. Rumor has it they just ordered a book on Amazon: "MoP development for dummies" and project manager got the special task to make sure both developers get a copy.

    Oh, I also heard they might inform Kear it's 2016., but they're afraid of his reaction when he realizes he's been living in 2007. for 8 years.
    Edited: December 20, 2015

  11. There's not really much to reply. Focus is Lordaeron and when 5.4.8 is ready for launch porting will begin, focus will become FW when Lordaeron is finished. This was posted multiple times a few months back even before Lordaeron was launched.
    And with ETAs just being ETAs which sometimes cannot become reality due to higher priorities (such as performance), and the community calling us liars when that happen, perhaps we considered keeping those to ourselves until it's 100% certain.

    And how did you turn ''you should be careful with what you're complaining'' to ''we can't complain anymore''? You'd be banned long ago if this was the case. A bit of hypocrisy here. This is exactly what I mean by abusing.
    The point everyone is trying to make is that not communicating and giving random ETAs is basically the same thing just a bit smarter.
    If you'd just announce that whatever you've got planned outside the cash cow that Lordaeron is - will be ready when it's ready you wouldn't have to dispatch the forum hounds to ban the evil posters who disrupt the balance is the force.
    After all the ''Best and most professional wow private server network'' should be able to afford a Public Relations manager or at least guide who might point out that giving ETAs on things that might even be too early to mention to public is not exactly a good idea.
    It's no longer about the actual content it self but the hype train that gets derailed every time when it's supposed to deliver.

  12. As much as I love this server, it's a dumb idea to have all the devs focus on 1 realm while neglecting others. Sure you can get things done faster, but only pleasing part of the player base instead of a little bit of everyone is frustrating to the players. I mean, the AT core for Warsong was supposed to when TBC was done. Now that wrath was released, the player base assumed that TBC was finished. (Which what the mods/gms/devs said) That wasn't the case.

    All I'm saying is, stop focusing on just 1 realm, and start taking care of them equally in development. No one really cares if things are slower in development as long as a little bit of everything is being worked on.

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