1. If you want to call us liars, always bring proof.
    Or we can just not believe you and leave it at that, cause you know very well that players technically have no tools to measure the players count. But what we can do is see it ingame and that despite number showing 10k the zones are not populated and you can only wonder if that's true then where are all those players. Apart from that the chat also doesn't support your numbers, we can't give you hard proof but we can see it with our own eyes ingame and that's worth more than whatever you'd come up with to convince us

  2. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....ATED-WEEKLY%29

    Created and maintained by a player who doesn't just pulls stuff out of his ***.

  3. Or we can just not believe you and leave it at that, cause you know very well that players technically have no tools to measure the players count. But what we can do is see it ingame and that despite number showing 10k the zones are not populated and you can only wonder if that's true then where are all those players. Apart from that the chat also doesn't support your numbers, we can't give you hard proof but we can see it with our own eyes ingame and that's worth more than whatever you'd come up with to convince us
    Holy confirmation bias, Batman.
    Edited: December 29, 2015

  4. Holy confirmation bias, Batman.
    "We can't see air with our own eyes so it doesn't exists" FTW.

  5. Or we can just not believe you and leave it at that, cause you know very well that players technically have no tools to measure the players count. But what we can do is see it ingame and that despite number showing 10k the zones are not populated and you can only wonder if that's true then where are all those players. Apart from that the chat also doesn't support your numbers, we can't give you hard proof but we can see it with our own eyes ingame and that's worth more than whatever you'd come up with to convince us
    Haters gonna hate :D

  6. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....ATED-WEEKLY%29

    Created and maintained by a player who doesn't just pulls stuff out of his ***.
    Not to downplay your rebuttal, but that census doesn't show the number of characters online, rather it shows the number of unique characters picked up by the scan and then added to previous counts.

  7. lol who needs to prove u anything u scrubs, who cares u dont believe it anyway haha, yeah when we saw 5k no1 cared but now thats its 10k its a conspiracy. damn, 1k que time is fake too right? its all a big plan to make lordaeron super sexy right ? and lets go with ur imaginary conspiracies and assume its true... so what??? so its not 10k its 7k, so ? there is no meaning in your argument, u just love to argue.
    i mean why go for all the trouble to fake numbers, and why they didnt do it be4 if its so "SUPER EFFECTIVE" , i know! lets go with 1milion coz we can.
    well my point is cleared now i guess , hope it wasnt too offensive
    Edited: December 29, 2015

  8. Haters gonna hate :D
    Mate, the only thing I'm hating on the server atm are the dumb honor rates.

    "We can't see air with our own eyes so it doesn't exists" FTW.
    And you'd rather believe everything you're told even when it doesn't add up and doesn't feel right :D

  9. Not to downplay your rebuttal, but that census doesn't show the number of characters online, rather it shows the number of unique characters picked up by the scan and then added to previous counts.
    The scan has to start somewhere, and each time build onto it. You can get rough ideas by taking older census and comparing them, and so on. It's not an exact number, because that wasn't his target, but the characters aren't created and played by the same handful of people. Although of course some people might claim something like that, after all...

  10. The scan has to start somewhere, and each time build onto it. You can get rough ideas by taking older census and comparing them, and so on. It's not an exact number, because that wasn't his target, but the characters aren't created and played by the same handful of people. Although of course some people might claim something like that, after all...

    gravity is a big conspiracy to not make us fly

  11. Idk why you mods are using the word stable because the realm isn't stable at all. I downloaded quartz to see what my ms actually is and it literally ****ing changes every cast. Some casts I have 200ms, some 500, and basically every number inbetween. The game says I have 90ms which is what I have on Blackrock and it doesn't randomly ****ing spike every other cast. You guys keep using this word stable but idk man maybe its the language barrier and the word stable doesn't translate to European languages very well.

  12. Idk why you mods are using the word stable because the realm isn't stable at all. I downloaded quartz to see what my ms actually is and it literally ****ing changes every cast. Some casts I have 200ms, some 500, and basically every number inbetween. The game says I have 90ms which is what I have on Blackrock and it doesn't randomly ****ing spike every other cast. You guys keep using this word stable but idk man maybe its the language barrier and the word stable doesn't translate to European languages very well.
    Same for me, my pings jumps up and down 100-500 every cast despite the game showing I have a pretty low ping.

  13. Stop crying that you have lags, because I and 98% players have no lags. If you have slow PCs Then stop crying and go playing on Deathwing. They will increase cap as soon as possible and your crying gives nothing. Deal with It. I really enjoy Warmane/Lordaeron. No lags, no bugged quests, Great community, Great population and more.. And I wait for 11k cap to have game better :)

  14. ^ not sure of troll or...

  15. And stop saying that 10k People online is fake... It's not fake. If you don't believe It Then don't Play. It's real number.

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