1. Server condition

    Hello Warmane.
    Could you actually show your point of view towards following questions;
    1)Why the server has horrible delay reaching up to one second along with 30ms?
    2)Why don't you enable dungeon and raid finder?
    Let's get facts straight, bushing through out global chat spam doesn't make anything better.
    It's powerfull tool and in my opinion u should consider making it possible to mix it with people from other realms to increase progression and experience.
    3) Recruit A Friend system?
    Bring your friends to the server and level up with them with additional benefits?
    4) Migration from other servers(not warmane realms)?
    5) Why Auction House prices occur from horribly high to hilariously ******ed, at least most of them?
    It's the first place I see the server has so bad economy.
    6) Anticheat really sucks - it stucks midair from dismounting or getting people stuck from getting out of roots and changes camer angle sometimes, hell why?

  2. 1) Sometimes cause high population
    2) Nope
    3) Nope
    4) NOPE
    5) Nope
    6) Agree

  3. 1. Could be cause of population, still annoying.
    2. Would be awesome, but they don't want it on lordaeron.
    3. -
    4. No, wtf.
    5. Economy is what it is, it's pretty ****ed up on all private servers wotlk+ (idk if on retail too)
    6. -

  4. Im more worried about raiding where a geared tank can randomly get 2shot and its all over. Very frustrating and annoying to wipe on a pub raid on blizz.

  5. 1. I cannot comment here, I haven't felt any delay maybe my criteria is low or i am lucky and don't get delay or you are too demanding idk so no comment
    2. This will not change no matter if we want it or don't wnt it so no point of discussing
    3. This is a good idea but i have the feeling people will find a way to exploit it rather than use it as intended
    4. No no this is silly, how did you came up with such a nonsence ?
    5. Economy is just perfect just compare it with the real world and you will understand it
    6. The funny thing is that I havent played WoW anywhere else but here at Warmane so whatever this anticheat is doing to make you feel angry I perceive it as the way the game should be because i never had a chance to compare it with another server, no comment here either since i dont see the problem

  6. I wish this anticheat would allow to dismount in midair while still gliding and not just "hit an invisible wall" soo often. Nothing serious, but it little things together can take the smoothness away

  7. i lol'd when i read 4 :D

    Are you kidding me? transfering from others servers... sorry, but have you thought this through? thats the worst idea ever.

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