1. I apriciate your care about me :)
    Again I will repeat my self: ''I will never report this exploits ofc cos it makes my game much easier as I said (farmed like 12k gold in 4 hours, ez life).''
    This sentence means not that I (personaly) am exploiting.
    What if somebody is exploiting and it helps me (for you unknown reason but matters not) ?
    What if somebody is exploiting flowers, veins, gold, items and idk what else and then doing you know what...
    Does it mean that I am exploiting?
    Man, no :D
    Problem of the staff is that 3 of 5 exploits cannot be never fixed, untill somebody will report it.
    And ofc nobody never will, cos as I said before it helps them, they are in advantage against other players (or other guilds).
    Why should I ever care? :D Exploits are not my problem I would said :D I would be stupid to report them :D
    gg, ez life
    rip inglese
    Yeah you said it with sarcasm and it sounds like your not taking this seriously... Obviously easy to see by your attitude and reasoning. It suggest you did some odd gold farming that is ''unusual'' so to say.. If some exploit helps you then both should be banned... You for being passive about it and the exploiter as well... ANY exploit is BANNEBLE! You are ALLOWING it to continue therefor you are apart of it (kinda like bullying if you want an example).
    The other reply you talk more about it.. Would be funny if you acutally got banned when they checked logs lol! I've seen bans for exploiting before soo...
    ''P.S. Once I reported 2 exploits to YamiCodenamed PM. It was fixed 2 months after, I have reported like 5 bugs to bugtracker (not exploits), nothing was fixed nor 2 moths after, so from that time I am done with any reports. No sense.''
    Doesn't make you have the entitlment to actually abuse exploits... Bugs takes time to fix.... I'd suggest yourself try to fix these exploits without breaking things...

    Nobody said that I am searching for them.
    I have found 1st exploit with dungeon exps while i went with world party in dungeon (fact that I have seen it and I know about it means not that I am using it) - I suppose still not fixed (not culling of stratholme zombies nor azjol nerub little spiders).
    I have found 2nd and 3rd seeing SP and ATP boost items equiped on another players (both from Clarity) and seeing their dmg in skada in dungeon party(again, fact that I have seen it and I know about it means not that I am using it).
    4th and 5th exploit is with farming (flowers, veins etc.) and farming (gold). (again, fact that I have seen it and I know about it means not that I am using it).
    Last words I will use in this topic is that when wotlk started I put to friendlist half of the Clarity guildy and half of that half that time were reloging in both Azjol and then CoS.
    More exploit and rumor talk... IF you think there is an exploit used by a gulild then provide evidence and then report them so they can be banned.... Spreading things about exploits gives peoples ideas....
    Edited: January 5, 2016

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