1. Twinks are always OP compared to non-twinks.
    Heirlooms are important to make some classes competiv in certain brackets.

    Heirlooms are a nice addition to the Game. I cant read those "its hardcore" any longer.
    Nothing to do with hardcore to disable features that make the game more fun.
    Reduce gold or xp or reputation as a penalty for dying. That would make the Game tougher.
    Increase mobdamage overall or some stuff that really turns wow into a challenge. Dunno. But dont remove cool features. It doesnt make the game experince hardcore.
    People seem to think it does. Fact is the Hardcore part of this server is the endgame progression raids & that's fine.
    Having Looms in the game does not make it any less hardcore.

  2. Maybe make mounts from 40 lvl too? Cuz you know... hardcore...
    why stop at 40? why not remove mounts completely, imagine how hardcore that would be :O

  3. on a more serious note.
    im pretty much bis pre raid, and i dont feel very tempted to level an alt without heirlooms when im not raiding.
    so instead of levling with ease, im just playing less between raid times atm.
    and i can imagine many people feeling the same, i see really no point in disabling heirloom items for emblems.
    cant you devs at least make one of these Pulls and see what the community thinks, and decide after the pull

  4. guess we will see, i just really would like it for my little lock alt :D
    Not even heirlooms? All the things that make fun are disabled. :(
    This gonna drastically reduce the motivation to level a alt ...
    Get another person to help speed up leveling, people helping people builds community.

  5. Get another person to help speed up leveling, people helping people builds community.

  6. Get another person to help speed up leveling, people helping people builds community.
    if you mean doing the same quests together, then that is slower.

  7. Not sure what conclusion to reach... LoL

    if you mean doing the same quests together, then that is slower.
    Well go it all alone then?

    So essentially you want heirlooms to speed up your personal leveling when grouping speeds things up as well?

    Kill quests go by much faster with others and the time spent on collection quests with another player(s) pretty much evens out the time saved on kill quests, not to mention quests where you have to kill an elite mob(s)... I mean it is up to the player whether they want level alone or not though grouping is a rewarding alternative in regard to time (in some aspects more than others).

    The structure of the realm ("Hardcore", no heirlooms, no RDF, etc.) is urging players to work together (even though working together has been part of the game since the beginning). Players can't really complain about their leveling speed when they choose to do so alone and there are alternatives readily available for them to partake in.
    Edited: January 7, 2016

  8. Not sure what conclusion to reach... LoL

    Well go it all alone then?

    So essentially you want heirlooms to speed up your personal leveling ).
    Personally i would like to looms for the server to be more Alt friendly yes & to have something that hasn't been cut from the server yet.

  9. Personally i would like to looms for the server to be more Alt friendly yes & to have something that hasn't been cut from the server yet.
    The realm IS Alt friendly, group with other Alts since there are no heirlooms (or group with others to help out anyway). Just because the "means" are not the same (grouping vs heirlooms) doesn't mean the same "ends" cannot be reached.

    Removing heirlooms I'm pretty sure wasn't to punish players but to urge more effort out of them.

  10. So basically, on the topic of heirlooms, nobody knows and nobody has come to a decision yet.

    All that has been stated is there will NOT be heirlooms in the shop.

    Whether or not they can be earned game is slightly confusing. Currently you can get wintergrasp pvp heirlooms, but not pve looms. In other threads, some mods have said
    "No, we won't remove the ability to get Heirlooms in-game as far as I know, and if we do it will be a decision up to the Administration."

    while another thread went:

    member: "I was just wondering something, when ICC and everything has been released, will there be heirlooms? = ) Or you guys havn't talked anything about that ? Would've been cool tho :D"

    mod: "Most likely not."

    So pretty confusing if they will be fully available in game or not. Guess we will have to wait and see!

    In the meantime, my alliance 29 and 39 twink guild is doing arenas if anybody is interested. 4 tabs of gbank gear there, and bgs almost around the clock :)

  11. is it allowed to buy the heirlooms from wintergrasp? or will they be removed ?

  12. In other threads, some mods have said
    "No, we won't remove the ability to get Heirlooms in-game as far as I know, and if we do it will be a decision up to the Administration."

    while another thread went:

    member: "I was just wondering something, when ICC and everything has been released, will there be heirlooms? = ) Or you guys havn't talked anything about that ? Would've been cool tho :D"

    mod: "Most likely not."
    One post was like two months ago. One was about a week. It's only confusing if you ignore time going forward.

  13. TriNitY706, my response was more for the fact that every one your posts gallantly defends the design choices of this realm regardless of whether they are beneficial or not. Your obsequious "opinions" help no one. This realm isn't above criticism, especially when it comes to changes or decisions that are not explicitly explained or conspicuously located.
    So people can't agree with or see positive in the way things are/changed to?

    Just like people can criticize aspects of the server people can criticize those criticisms. Forums are not solely for gripping, complaining and negatively criticizing things. Who are you or any other player to state whether changes or something else is beneficial or not? Just because a player doesn't like something and no matter how many people agree doesn't mean it's negative/bad for the player-base as a whole.

    Just because you or others would rather not use the sensible available options in front of you and request things be changed to suit your personal wants/needs doesn't mean things should be changed. Everything is NOT going to be explained in full detail, it allows for things to meld and take on other shapes without calling for mass public outcry. Explaining everything "to the T" paves the way for people to criticize, gripe and complain when and if things do change ("you said XYZ now it's ZYX").

  14. So people can't agree with or see positive in the way things are/changed to?

    Just like people can criticize aspects of the server people can criticize those criticisms. Forums are not solely for gripping, complaining and negatively criticizing things. Who are you or any other player to state whether changes or something else is beneficial or not? Just because a player doesn't like something and no matter how many people agree doesn't mean it's negative/bad for the player-base as a whole.

    Just because you or others would rather not use the sensible available options in front of you and request things be changed to suit your personal wants/needs doesn't mean things should be changed. Everything is NOT going to be explained in full detail, it allows for things to meld and take on other shapes without calling for mass public outcry. Explaining everything "to the T" paves the way for people to criticize, gripe and complain when and if things do change ("you said XYZ now it's ZYX").
    then again on this topic i would bet 10k gold on that the player base in majority would want heirlooms 85-90% would be my guess, but its not really for any of us to decide anyways.
    i can see no harm being made by giving alt levelers the option to farm up for some heirloom.
    the thing really is that heirloom is optional, and it would be kinda wierd to argue against it, the argument would look kinda like this "i dont like that other people are using heirlooms because I think its more fun to not use them"
    and i dont think that should even be considered.
    I dont like being ganked (or gank for that matter), that dosnt mean that i want to diable PVP for everyone

    Edit... i would be able to formulate my opinion way better if English was my first language

    TLDR: its egoistic to want to remove an option for other people just because you dont like picking that option
    ^ this is of course pointed towards the community and not the devs, because the devs should mostly make choices that make the server what they want the server too be
    Edited: January 7, 2016

  15. then again on this topic i would bet 10k gold on that the player base in majority would want heirlooms 85-90% would be my guess, but its not really for any of us to decide anyways.
    i can see no harm being made by giving alt levelers the option to farm up for some heirloom.
    the thing really is that heirloom is optional, and it would be kinda wierd to argue against it, the argument would look kinda like this "i dont like that other people are using heirlooms because I think its more fun to not use them"
    and i dont think that should even be considered.
    I dont like being ganked (or gank for that matter), that dosnt mean that i want to diable PVP for everyone

    Edit... i would be able to formulate my opinion way better if English was my first language

    TLDR: its egoistic to want to remove an option for other people just because you dont like picking that option
    ^ this is of course pointed towards the community and not the devs, because the devs should mostly make choices that make the server what they want the server too be
    Did you read my mind? :D
    My thoughts exactly.

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