1. Repair the Alterac

    Dear administration when the Alterac 40 vs 40?

  2. I agree. Nothing beats AV for large pvp fun. Then we can all truly see Arcanas superior pvp skill at work as they lose horribly to the horde!

  3. if they dont fix bugs that have been on the bugtracker for 8 months , and they dont put a 10 people BG , i dont excepct a 40 ppl one to come ever.

  4. Alterac Valley will come with 5.4.8 alongside Battle for Gilneas.

  5. this is old news, players should have an estimated date on arrival :)

  6. date expected? new client download for update? 5.4.8 or just 2 new bgs on 5.4.2?

  7. Zelta, CompassSeeker, Empyrean, Agramon, Obnoxious, Malaco, Arbiterone, Hisue, Proterean, Borrean run Frostwolf forums, how many people work on the server?

  8. Alterac Valley will come with 5.4.8 alongside Battle for Gilneas.
    About that Proterean, Devlog for MoP was posted Nov 14th 2015, almost 2 months nothing happened,

    can we have some info on that? whats going on with 5.4.8?

  9. Zelta, CompassSeeker, Empyrean, Agramon, Obnoxious, Malaco, Arbiterone, Hisue, Proterean, Borrean run Frostwolf forums, how many people work on the server?
    http://forum.warmane.com/showgroups.php if for "Server" you mean Warmane and not only Frostwolf

  10. Lol I get more soons and next week's from these guys than my wife!
    Seriously though, we need some kind of update. I've only been playing 2 months, but this is getting ridiculous.

  11. Alterac Valley will come with 5.4.8 alongside Battle for Gilneas.
    Could you please tell us a good reason/explanation about --> WHY can we no also expect (on 5.4.8):
    Isle of Conquest
    Strand of the Ancients
    Deepwind Gorge
    Silvershard Mines

  12. because they just need quite some time to be encoded :) but, proterean, do you mean that we will be able to play in the AV right after the update?..

    By the way, people, i really think that nearly everyone on the forum shall know this...


  13. because they just need quite some time to be encoded :) but, proterean, do you mean that we will be able to play in the AV right after the update?..

    By the way, people, i really think that nearly everyone on the forum shall know this...

    ye, right after 5.4.8 upgrade we will have 2 "new" bgs, or at least thta is what they said

  14. this server cannot have any sort of credibility when you have CRITICAL bugs like rogue vanish breaking everything , going unfixed for so long.

    This would have to be fixed 1 week top , not months , you cannot play properly with such bugs

    is this and others going to be fixed with 5.4.8? are we to wait for that to have these kind of bugs fixed??? That makes no sense , and breaks any kind of credibility..

    whats next?

    instant chaos bolts?

    being hit through iceblock?

  15. whats next?

    being hit through iceblock?
    retry palas can kill mages through iceblock (no holy dmg immunity) ....try something else XD

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