1. Battlegrounds - Basic tactics

    Please read these common tactics and battleground concepts - http://www.ticopa.com/wowbg/index.html

    Feel free to convert this thread into open discussion about what/when is better to do in which Battleground.

    My general feeling is that the majority of people playing battlegrounds are either ultra incompetent or afk and have no clue why they are inside the BG whatsoever. I've done well over 50 BGs on Lordaeron horde's side and I can tell you for sure that horde guys have absolutely NO clue what to do in AV, most of the times don't know what to do in EOTS (do not go for the stupid flag with less than 3 bases capped), rarely know what to do in WSG and basically give up and AB is the only "holy grail" where you can achieve approximately 50% win-loss.


    Alterac Valley - http://www.ticopa.com/wowbg/av/strategies.html
    Eye of the Storm - http://www.ticopa.com/wowbg/eos/strategies.html
    Arathi Basin - http://www.ticopa.com/wowbg/ab/strategies.html
    Warsong Gulch - http://www.ticopa.com/wowbg/wsg/strategies.html
    Edited: January 11, 2016

  2. So damn true. Should be a sticky
    The main problem is, that most of those clueless people are ignorant.

    For example Arathi Basin — Someone says "FARM, LUMBER, BLACKSMITH. Ignore GM. Cap these 3 and defend, avoid road fights. Call incomings."
    You most likely will get a reply like this "OMG stfu." "Lol why should I listen to you?" "I do what I want" "TRYHARD LOL"

    Glad to see that there are still people who care about BGs, Sylaez. Salute!

  3. So damn true. Should be a sticky
    The main problem is, that most of those clueless people are ignorant.

    For example Arathi Basin — Someone says "FARM, LUMBER, BLACKSMITH. Ignore GM. Cap these 3 and defend, avoid road fights. Call incomings."
    You most likely will get a reply like this "OMG stfu." "Lol why should I listen to you?" "I do what I want" "TRYHARD LOL"

    Glad to see that there are still people who care about BGs, Sylaez. Salute!
    The sad part is you're right. These strategies are all valid, it's just you'll probably never be able to use them in a PUG.

    It's likely that the only time you would see most of these is in a premade.

    Getting people to go after objectives instead of kills is a problem that has existed in this game since BGs were introduced. It's also a big problem in other games like some FPS's and MOBA's.
    Edited: January 11, 2016

  4. Some players don't know the tactics/implied objectives and don't want to know them or know what they are but could care less about them, both would probably rather "PvP in the middle" no matter who objects. Yes completing the various "implied" objectives will end certain Battlegrounds but the ones with "reinforcements" (Alterac Valley, Isle of Conquest) can also be won by defeating the opposing faction until it reaches "0", some players would rather battle it out until then. Even in the Battlegrounds where resources are the objective to complete them some players would still rather PvP each other leaving the objectives to others (of either faction).

    Stating that players should do this or that and or that they don't know what to do just because they aren't going for the objectives is implying that everyone has the same goal(s) in mind, some players simply could care less about "winning" a Battleground and simply attend for the PvP. One aspect of this game is that you can't simply control the actions of other players (which I for one like). Some players simply have different goals and or motivations. If you want a better shot at completing a Battleground in the manner you see fit queue with a pre-made(s) that share the same mindset or leave the Battleground and try again later.

  5. There is no fun in continuous losing because of incompetence. Period. We are not talking Olympics here but simple 2-3 rules per BG that actually net you a win from time to time.

  6. There is no fun in continuous losing because of incompetence. Period. We are not talking Olympics here but simple 2-3 rules per BG that actually net you a win from time to time.
    Though I see where you are coming from when players have intentions other than your own it still stands that some players see "winning" and or "fun" differently. Some don't care about "losing" but for the most part enjoy the "fun" of PvP.

    Losing a Battleground doesn't grant bonus's but still grants honor points. If players are concerned about not getting the daily arena point bonus from winning a Battleground there's always participating in weekly arenas to gain arena points. The same things winning a Battleground grants have alternate methods to gain them, of course they may take longer but still achievable. If others aren't "cooperating" players have the choice to join or leave.

  7. u need to fix the EOTS one : best tactic all go flag , ignore bases. glad to help *flies away*

  8. So there is this new "trend" now. On top of most people generally doing nothing in BGs, last night some multiboxer started joining, occupying 5 slots and finishing the BG with 0 kills and multiple deaths. Needless to say we lost...again.

  9. Here we come to my latest "adventures". A lot of the horde players in BGs have this awful loser mentality. They just join and spam the BG channel from the start with **** like: "leave it, it's hopeless", "we lost", "go ally if you want to win", "don't tell me what to do we lose". So here is my message to you - If you are an overall pathetic loser that has 0 self-esteem and is used to being stomped just DON'T join the BG. Slay your stupid NPCs, farm reputations and back-pedal. Don't transfer your toxic sense of hopelesness to the other.

  10. I'm sorry but isn't ur AV map vanilla? Horde start area is more close to Drek

  11. I wish someone will read these topics but who cares?

    Here we come to my latest "adventures". A lot of the horde players in BGs have this awful loser mentality. They just join and spam the BG channel from the start with **** like: "leave it, it's hopeless", "we lost", "go ally if you want to win", "don't tell me what to do we lose".
    We need another server(Lordaeron PvE) and these posts will dissapear
    Edited: January 17, 2016

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