1. Chat filter in BG

    I don't know who invented this devilish creation, but please either adjust it or remove it.
    Right now you can say something twice(?) in BG, then you get blocked for 1 minute. That would be fine, if not the small issue.... you get blocked on guild chat too! That means no talking to your guildmates if you decide to talk in BG, or if your addon decides to announce that you're sapped. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but it happened in AV.

    Really guys, filtering BG chat is good, but you took it too far. Increase the amount of messages to 3 or 4 per minute in BG, and remove this blockade from guild chat.

  2. that might be not the issue, but do u use carbonite? i always thought its coz of this :D always when im near alliance, no idea how to disable this ****

  3. that might be not the issue, but do u use carbonite? i always thought its coz of this :D always when im near alliance, no idea how to disable this ****
    No, not using carbonite. Also, it only happens in BG.

  4. that might be not the issue, but do u use carbonite? i always thought its coz of this :D always when im near alliance, no idea how to disable this ****
    I used to have the same problem. But after i disabled some of the options, the problem disappeared. Here's what i did:

    1. Social & Punks
    Show chat warning on new local punk detection > unmark

    2. Privacy & Com

    To friends > unmark
    To guild > unmark
    To zone > unmark

    Disable global channel > mark
    Disable zone channel > mark

    It helped me, hope it helps you too. :)

  5. I used to have the same problem. But after i disabled some of the options, the problem disappeared. Here's what i did:

    1. Social & Punks
    Show chat warning on new local punk detection > unmark

    2. Privacy & Com

    To friends > unmark
    To guild > unmark
    To zone > unmark

    Disable global channel > mark
    Disable zone channel > mark

    It helped me, hope it helps you too. :)
    i will try it, ty

  6. This is still active, even outside BG, and it seems that for every player.
    Srsly guys why can't we even speak freely now?

  7. i am using carbonite as well and having the same problem. what addons do you use yairomii? i know you said you didnt use carbonite, but some other addon might be posting causing this issue for you.

    EDIT: maybe its a KB/KS addon, that posts a emote when you get killing blow or killing streak? because i disabled carbonite and the problem disappeared
    Edited: January 16, 2016

  8. Realm Design is made to encourage players to interact with each other, you get limited chat input. I am confused :s

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