1. New to Lordaeron help me!

    Hello guys. I´m here to talk abut fastest way to lvl up on this realm. Atm i´m lvling a retri paly on the horde side. but i´m having a slow lvling experience. anyone can give me some tips on this isue? Also, like this is my first chr on this realm i have almost no gold, any tips on getting more?

    ps. i´m a miner jewelcrafter, and i´m at lvl 30 ATM

    will apreciate the replys :P

    cheers guys

  2. At level 30 you get some nice buffs to protection I would advise going prot so you can tank dungeons and get some nice gear from Razorfen Downs/Kraul and then Scarlet (all 4 dungeons) till lvl 40, the damage difference is negligible, although if you get into PVP encounters prot will simply die off, but you have to suck it up and do dungeons instead.

    other than that... quest around I suppose, at that level I'd finish up some thousand needles quests (quite a few), also don't forget the shimmering flats, has nice quests there, then head to heat danger zone: stranglethorn valley and try to do some quests there, but there will be A LOT of pvp, A LOT of 80's killing low lvls, etc... But the exp may be worth it.

    After 40 you can try tanaris but its the same as STV, but you get another dungeon Zul Farak which has some quests that give nice exp+loot, and there is also feralas to hang it in there from 40-50, then head to western/eastern plaguelands then couple it off with silithus till 58 then head to outland.

    All the meanwhile check dungeons if you go prot, thats the reason you want prot, that and insane AOE farming.

  3. Hi man, i can recomend you this site: http://www.ding80.com/horde_leveling_guide/ if you follow it you will lvl much faster :-)) enjoy!

  4. Get this addon. It's called Zygor Quest Viewer. It is an addon that literally tells you what quest to do next and exactly how to do it.


    To install it unzip the 2 folders directly into your WoWFolder>Interface>Addons

  5. I tried Zygor's addon and didn't enjoy it personally. Fapingboy, i would suggest not getting stuck stuck doing the same thing, switch it around: grind some mobs, do some quests, try the instances.

  6. Zygor as main redline -> do dungeon's wich boost ure leveling works perfect. also stop sometimes ofc for ure proffesions etc ;)

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