1. Donating for leveling perks

    To no surprise, the devs have rolled out "donating for gear" - fine, I get it, they need to pay the bills.

    My question is, why haven't you attempted other, less destructive ways to get donations - - - LIKE LEVELING PERKS. We're at a time in the server were majority of players are still grinding out level cap, so why not implement something where players can donate for 2x or 3x rates? It makes the most economical sense for the server if it needs funding, and I think it would actually better a lot of players without giving anyone an "unfair advantage". Yeah sure, we all wanted an authentic server, but that kind of goes out the window when you can start buying gear with money.

    Are there any plans to add something of this nature?

  2. They stated it'll be 1x forever.

    PD: brace yourself, trolling is coming.

  3. Maybe it will be an option in a far far future, but not now, they want players to try every possible quest while leveling since they put a lot of effort into making them work, so that would be a waste of effort honestly...

    MAYBE once you already have an 80's in X account it allows you to buy some exp boost, but hey thats just my idea, all in all, probably not going to happen.

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