1. Malygos 25 two days ago by <Perkele>

    + image
    Congrats, Perkele!!

  2. Congrats! I'm on my phone right now, but will add your progress tomorrow! :-)

  3. Guild [A]<After Life>, Led by Madslayra, has killed 10/15 bosses in Naxx 10 man, Images below. I'm missing the patchwerk kill screenshot, but I hope the Grobb kill is proof enough.

    Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/AXjg5

    I don't know if it counts, but as we don't have sufficient players for 25 mans, our core 10 man group led a Sarth 25 man raid, which we downed with the help of people from other guilds we are aquanted with.

    Screenshot here: http://imgur.com/zPCvC1g

    The guilds that helped us with the clear were: <Critical Strike>, <PiRATS>, <Lost Chapter>. Cheers to Linkoyn for waiting 4 hours for people to gather for the 25 clear.
    Edited: February 2, 2016

  4. [A]<Tranquil> first 25man, cleared Construct-Quarter and killed Razuvious.

  5. Hi !

    Can you update for the French Guild [H]Faithless :

    Sartharion + 1 Drake -> https://gyazo.com/9a0168dd8a40cb1ab375ab2baa76627e

    It tooks us 3-4 pulls, 2 Drakes cmin soon!


    Mielpopz, Guild Master

  6. Fused[H] would like to get noted for 15/15 Naxx, 1/1OS 25 - http://fused-guild.shivtr.com/ pictures on front page :) or any of our council can be inspected ingame aswell.

  7. Paradox OS 25 2D down w/o lunar fest buff =) http://prntscr.com/9xrsrw

  8. Paradox OS 25 2D down w/o lunar fest buff =) http://prntscr.com/9xrsrw
    Wtf is lunar fest buff?

  9. Wtf is lunar fest buff?
    Uh-oh, have a feeling I might know where this is headed. Please take it in private chat, sweet amigos!

    On a side note, I haven't forgotten about anyone. New progress will be added tomorrow morning! I've simply been busy. Sorry, friends!

  10. We did it ! Zeal cleared Naxxrammas 25 this evening.
    Sorry, I only took a screen of our dear guild master Zwox bowing in front of me after the down but well you can see we are more than 10 and the actual phylactery is lying on the ground! :D


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