1. The Insane title.

    Hello guys, I work for title "The Insane" but my reputation for everlook don't rise , the others don't have error, everlook is only.. 19985/21000 I finish all quests and pirates.. and nothing. What's the problem? I'm the only?
    Thank u!

  2. You need to kill mobs in eastmoon ruins in tanaris, just left of the gasping chasm.

  3. I kill but..nothing. I kill all mobs in Tanaris!

  4. Be sure to do ALL the quests at everlook, and also do quests from this guy in feralas.


    Doing quests from him gives steamwheedle rep, no you're not the only one i had this same problem.

  5. when you need help with this title /w me ingame on Dereni or Myfear when youre on horde side

  6. Oh Meaps, thank u! Really thank u! I work for this title very months. Thank uu!! <3

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