1. Disable and never enable pet battles ,ever again. Server can't handle it and that's all. Don't forget to delete its script. Jesus, a little bit of free time after work and it is constantly crashing.

    Give us already promised battlegrounds and pve content ,not this. Fix classes ,not this...

    Speak for yourself. I want pet battles.

  2. Speak for yourself. I want pet battles.
    Yeah, just because some people dont want it, doesn't mean other people have the exact same thought. I speak for myself as well that I do want them as they are quite fun and enjoyable for people that actually do like them. Plus, it's another thing you are able to do while waiting for more content to be scripted.

  3. Skybro's Avatar
    People need to stop making silly and uneducated statements regarding battle pets.

    While pet battles were the main cause of the instability earlier, the crashes were very different from the ones we had during 5.4.2 due to the battle pet system being reworked for 5.4.8.

    I would also like to point out that PvP does in fact work, just not the match making, you will have to manually challenge someone to a pet battle via their portrait.

  4. So you will enable,pet battles again?? :D

  5. Skybro's Avatar
    So you will enable,pet battles again?? :D
    Since all of the crashes from earlier have been fixed, battle pets should be enabled again soon.

  6. Since all of the crashes from earlier have been fixed, battle pets should be enabled again soon.
    My computer is lagging already from that statement.

  7. Since all of the crashes from earlier have been fixed, battle pets should be enabled again soon.
    Any updates that can be given on the master progression? e/g the achievements to unlock daily quests. I am asking because i noticed the achievements not updating when doing the basic master quest line.

  8. Wel i just did some pet battle with friends but again today its bugged we cant duel anymore pls fixit we all want pet battle :D !!!

  9. LAST newssss almost all placec are bugged :C zero battle pets only in elwyn forest and duskwood and westfall all other places are empty

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