1. Mailbox lost Mails & items..

    Hello, so i logged on 2day.. i went 2 collect gold & unsold items from mailbox and i see 3 sold actions and thats it.. i had over 160 items on action house.. everything is gone nothing in AH.. and nothing in mailbox only 3 sold items.. wtf is going on tis happened 2 my once ago but then i lost only 10 items but now 160.. im kinda pissed..

    Any explains etc would be nice.. Thanks.

    psh i was offline only 1 day..
    Edited: March 9, 2016

  2. I lost 200+ items. You will not get help.

  3. 2 of my friends also lost some items via mail. Looks like some kind of technical ingame bug.

  4. I rarely check what i've sold when I loot the gold from the mail, so I dont know if i've lost items or not but I have noticed that it has started to say "inbox full" for me even though there are 6 mails within. it says its full, but im able to get mail anyhow -I wonder whats causing this? could these be related somehow...?
    Maybe game thinks your inbox is full when its not, and thus wont send the gold/items back?

  5. @anishya That's exactly what it thinks and even says ingame. At least to me. The report to GM's concluded with the usual "You can report this to our bugtracker".

  6. I also noticed something strange. After emptying mailbox I get the message "there are X more messages, will be available in 63s", which means something is wrong, since that never happened before.

  7. I also noticed something strange. After emptying mailbox I get the message "there are X more messages, will be available in 63s", which means something is wrong, since that never happened before.
    +it's and addon for mailbox that says time.. & how many msg u got more

    when you got more than 50 mails etc.. it says that normaly and after 1 min you get more mails.. But now tis week i have toticed that all mails come at once
    last week i have collectesd over 100 mails at once... i have never seen that in 5 years of playing wow.. normaly it was 50 mails 1 min w8th and then comes more mail.. when you got over 350 mails i normaly get mails 50 a time then 1 min w8th and then more.. but now it all comes in 1 go.. i can collect all 350 mails at once.. thats new to me..

    maybe thats why i lost all my mails.. idk because i allways could collect 50 mails and then w8th 1 min to get more..

    + when you got more than 100 mails.. players who try 2 send something to you.. it says that mailbox are full etc.. can't send anything till you collect all good's
    Edited: March 11, 2016

  8. +it's and addon for mailbox that says time.. & how many msg u got more

    when you got more than 50 mails etc.. it says that normaly and after 1 min you get more mails.. But now tis week i have toticed that all mails come at once
    last week i have collectesd over 100 mails at once... i have never seen that in 5 years of playing wow.. normaly it was 50 mails 1 min w8th and then comes more mail.. when you got over 350 mails i normaly get mails 50 a time then 1 min w8th and then more.. but now it all comes in 1 go.. i can collect all 350 mails at once.. thats new to me..

    maybe thats why i lost all my mails.. idk because i allways could collect 50 mails and then w8th 1 min to get more..

    + when you got more than 100 mails.. players who try 2 send something to you.. it says that mailbox are full etc.. can't send anything till you collect all good's
    We've checked out a few things and applied some changes that might potentially resolve this for you. If possible, please let us know if this is still happening.

  9. We've checked out a few things and applied some changes that might potentially resolve this for you. If possible, please let us know if this is still happening.
    Well this happened to me 2 times in 1 month.. Kinda rare but still.. Those 160 items that i lost was kinda worthless 1 k gold only.. But other players could lose Epics etc that took long time 2 get.
    But Thanks =)

    Ohh and the items that i lost wasn't on same char.. one was Alliance other was Horde so its kinda Random..
    Edited: March 12, 2016

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