1. The problem is with "Crimson Bloom" mechanic
    Crimson bloom should only happen if we reveal and unreveal the red adds.
    What happen is crimson blood is casted everytime we reveal the red adds (maybe wipe entire raid).

    How to reproduce:
    Start the colorblind phase without someone with red beam "stand by" on red adds before the phase start.

    How to avoid bug:
    The one with red beam must stay on red adds before colorblind phase start. This will instantly reveal red adds when the phase start and bug didnt happen.
    Incorrect information about how to avoid the bug. My guild have tested for weeks now how to reproduce or avoid the bug but so far the results are completely random. It seems as if on one try the Crimson Bloom bug happens, dealing damage to the raid when revealing a red add, and sometimes it's completely normal. And each try we had the person with the red beam stand exactly where a red add is spawning. So far we haven't found anything that'd help resolve the bug.

  2. Also :
    Instant Force of Will push.
    Started happening on thursday,during a sequence of server crashes, continuously affecting each and every of our runs for the past 2 days. Random, yet very frequent and very annoying.

  3. Also :
    Instant Force of Will push.
    Started happening on thursday,during a sequence of server crashes, continuously affecting each and every of our runs for the past 2 days. Random, yet very frequent and very annoying.
    Confirmed. However I would say that purple fog is invisible not instant, dbm is telling us who got force of will and after few sec they get pushed.

  4. Yes Acko,I did describe how the purple "fog" or cone on the ground is indeed invisible @ bug report.
    What's instant however is the very Force of Will push, for us - there was zero seconds after ur DBM goes off, u are flying together with "Desssstrrrructiooon" :)
    Like I said, it's random , doesn't bug out every time it's casted , still 2 - 3 times during encounter is enough to make it rather annoying.
    The reason it hasn't been reported many times so far is - this bug wasn't there till 2 days ago.
    Today 3 more groups are getting ready to fly here ,so we'll hopefully see votes rising on that report.

  5. Yea I posted before reading report, and also I didnt had had the "luck" of being pushed. But yea you are right it is random, and this stared after the update we went with 1 group in wednesday and it was fine, when we went with other group yesterday it was bugged, we can either hope for fast fix or start stacking locks, lol..:D

  6. Durumu bug sequal update:
    Now boss have some heroic abilities in normal mode, he keeps dot'ing players and spawn ice walls. GG Warmane, durumu now is impossible to bypass, since green gems doesnt spawn at all to have safe route

  7. Durumu bug sequal update:
    Now boss have some heroic abilities in normal mode, he keeps dot'ing players and spawn ice walls. GG Warmane, durumu now is impossible to bypass, since green gems doesnt spawn at all to have safe route
    http://i.imgur.com/cnpFst0.jpg Confirmed.

  8. Durumu normal : casting Dark Parasite.
    Vote up plz: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/20159

    Walls of Ice : only visual for now.
    Vote up plz: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/20160

  9. Durumu is more playable on 25 man, then 10. Last night my guild and i, faced only the Force of Will problem (25man), and there were no Ice Walls or Dark Parasite problems, unlike in 10 man. So if there was no instant push out from the platform most of us would`ve survive for the last phase and eventually killing this son of *****.

  10. Well, as for my raids, I haven't seen the Ice Walls and as for Dark Parasite - just dispell it. The instant Force of Will is a problem but can be avoided if you intentionally prolong the beam phase, which starts 30 seconds into the fight, (as long as it's less than 1min ~40 sec or as long as you don't die) so you'll have less Force of Wills before the Disintegration Beam phase starts (2 minutes 30 seconds into the fight), meaning a lesser probability of you getting instantly knocked back.

  11. A bit off topic: How are people able to get Lei Shen drops, Lei Shen working as it should be? Because if some bosses elading to him is bugged, how is he even fightable?

  12. A bit off topic: How are people able to get Lei Shen drops, Lei Shen working as it should be? Because if some bosses elading to him is bugged, how is he even fightable?
    They are bugged but you can kill them. Lei is also kinda bugged, but not hard to kill.

    As for wall of ice i would say that it's fixed since it did not appear to us last night.

  13. They are bugged but you can kill them. Lei is also kinda bugged, but not hard to kill.

    As for wall of ice i would say that it's fixed since it did not appear to us last night.
    Every boss is killable, never had trouble with them (except maybe Iron Qon if no warlocks present) and Lei Shen isn't bugged except the platforms not working 100% correctly.

    You just have to not f**k up (easier said than done, I guess), read some tactics, ask for some help if needed, etc. They're not that hard.

  14. Every boss is killable, never had trouble with them (except maybe Iron Qon if no warlocks present) and Lei Shen isn't bugged except the platforms not working 100% correctly.

    You just have to not f**k up (easier said than done, I guess), read some tactics, ask for some help if needed, etc. They're not that hard.
    I will imagine that you wanted to quote BlackShroud, but I will answer to your Lei Shen is not bugged statement, as you said platforms are not working 100% that is a bug, sometimes platform will not going to be disabled after 1st intermission phase. Next when you get decapitate you should get debuff, and once that one expires you get hit, now we only have red arrow. Thunderstruck will not deal any damage at all 9/10 times if targets ranged player. Like i said he has few bugs here and there but he is not hard...
    Edited: March 23, 2016

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