1. cant get into any icc!

    Im finding it really difficult to get into any icc as they all want achiv usually LK , how can i get into it to get the achiv? Even 5.3 alt runs want achiv to enter. Im 5.7 gs now but it doesnt make any difference. Ive done most bosses before moltdown :(

  2. if you know all tactics,then it shouldn't be a problem,just tell them, you dont have the achievment but you know the tactics,if you truly do you will most probably get invited.

  3. Or more likely - they'll just take someone with LOD instead.

    Join a guild. Or make one. Then start bugging them for an invite to a "gearing" raid, get yourself at least Plagueworks or Crimson Hall 10, that's enough if you want to pug.

    The amount of players available for raids at the end of the week is also lower, you may try to fill a last free spot that people have been trying to fill for a good half an hour - they'll most probably take you no matter what achievements or gear you have. Just be smart and pick a group that's less likely to fall apart before Plagueworks due to players not needing any gear at all.

  4. **** PuGs man, go join a decent guild.
    I've got my Kingslayer, ToCGC and RS 25 achiev on the first week of raiding with my guild... @5K GS xD And also some pre-bis gear for like 10 DKP a piece.
    I mean how do you think most ppl get their titles and gear? they get carried.
    what guild is that plz :> recruiting?

  5. Sounds like a personal Problem
    lol.... so is being a total douche bag

  6. I almost forgot about this thread already, and it's making me wonder what pugs are asking for now LOL

  7. lol.... so is being a total douche bag
    Ey not my fault your a salty nib

  8. Ey not my fault your a salty nib
    Salty? lol naaaaa, but you can't take being called one, don't be one. Just saying.

    Nib? Speak English please.

  9. Probably one of those players who get blacklisted for blackmailing over stuff, I remember this warrior, druid, rogue rolling need on my tanking gear and wanted gold for it.

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