1. so that's why we've been massacred in POS even with 5.8k tank...

  2. Most ugly part is that we still cannot create bug reports without having a Lord toon, rip

  3. The most ugly thing is that realm is going offline all the time- so where is the point of all new things that we can't even try them?

  4. and from time of my post when realm was offline, after it came back on it's took only 20 min to go offline again- i rest my case :D :D :D

  5. 2 crashes in 5 minutes.

    Seriously, if this doesn't get fixed soon, I hope we at least get a server transfer.

  6. Seriously, fix this crashing ****, its becoming unplayable.

  7. What's going on with all these crashes? are bugs ACTUALLY being fixed during these? i'm just curious.

  8. There are plenty people who have played the game for a long-*** time who forget to do it, and even those who don't know about them.
    And if you did that, then I'd have to question how come you can't access Professor. He's been accessible on every mode I, and others I know, have done him on. Including 10n which you mention.
    Tha's what makes it so frustrating, we did an alt run and the door worked as intended, on icc 25 it did too, but not on that first run or "main" run, idk what happened, but it happened

  9. -HOR is resetting after 3-4 waves of mobs during the first boss fight
    -For some reason I can't enter ToC 5 directly and using the dungeon finder throws me an error about not having a valid port location
    -The dragonmaw race quests are not working properly, making impossible to obtain the skyshattered achievement
    -during an ICC 10n we couldn't get the door to PP's lab opened yet we could complete all the other bosses up to sindra, the LK was unavailable due to PP being alive (this was so frustrating, really)

    HOR is fixed or it was, just did it no problems, TOC fully working for me to, after hc made like 5 normal farm runs and no dc's crashes. about icc pp i think they fixed it already, yesterday did it wichout problems.

  10. The worst thing, really, is to get dced 123478 times a day. Specially when we are doing ICC runs.

  11. argent tournaments quests doesnt work anymore ( i heard it worked before this patch), yesterday we went to pp in icc10, we wiped and doors closed, we couldn't enter anymore, fun.

  12. Nothing has really changed lol, pugs are still doing BQL runs easily.
    Marrowgar - easier
    Lady - same
    Gunsip - easier
    DBS - same
    Rotface - better
    Festergut - better
    PP - challenging
    BPC - better
    BQL - better
    VDW - easier
    Sindra- challenging
    LK - challenging

    * Better - new punishable stuff for the semi-afk DPSers.
    ** Challenging - Harder encounter than before.
    This. I just don't think anyone can say thank you enough, The end game is fun again.

  13. Some raids have reported a bug with Professor Putricide's flesh-eating insect event not triggering correctly, making it so the final door never opens, and you can't pull PP. And yes, this happens with both valves already activated.

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