1. 3v3 - impossible to get 2k+ for glad (R3 team)

    At the moment my 3v3 team is at 1930 rating and R3, and we're spamming 3v3 ques all day long.
    The problem is that since you changed the MMR system to extend 100 rating every minute to a maximum of 4 times, its impossible for us to get 1500mmr teams anymore that just do 10 games for points since we are almost 2k mmr.
    The problem is, that the R1 team at 2177 farmed ALOT of those teams for +4 to +7 points per game. The problem is that now the 2k rating for glad req is now unreachable.
    Please either change the 2k rating requirement, or change the system to extend your mmr 5 times instead of 4, since this is INCREDIBLY unfair towards teams who didnt farm alot of +5 games early this season from 10minute ques.
    Would really appreciate a GM reply.

  2. Good suggestion. There are litturarly 0 ques about 1600mmr atm. We have been many many many hours in que, but we never get anything. Getting 2k for gladiator is impossible atm. Please consider changing this.

  3. They should just remove titles from 3v3. Getting gladiator by farming new teams queueing for 10 matches is ridiculous. No one will take this title seriously if they keep it like this.

  4. They should just remove titles from 3v3. Getting gladiator by farming new teams queueing for 10 matches is ridiculous. No one will take this title seriously if they keep it like this.

    exactly this

    considering top20 starts already at 1k rating

  5. But they did promise gladiator title from 3s and there are several People who put in a lot of time and worked hard to get them. Changing it now would make no sence.. but for the future, maybe so.

  6. Removing glad from 3s would be the most stupid decision ever. I'd rather remove titles from 2s to make people play 3s as it's the real bracket.

  7. I would say, remove titles for at least this season, no competion, 3s is dead.

  8. I would say, remove titles for at least this season, no competion, 3s is dead.
    Clearly you have not played 3s this season 1.7k+

  9. It would be really stupid to remove titles from 3s now , few teams put a lot of effort trying to get to 2k rating. Id say they should improve some things to make 3s more active future seasons.

  10. Nobody will care if they see gladiator on your title on this server this season. Nobody played literally sit in 3v3 for hours and no que...like 80% of this server that does arena only plays 10 games and done for week and most just join the game and /afk out.

  11. best server, who was the high IQ guy that put a 70% of a team's games played requirement for being eligible to earn titles?

  12. 1. They should remove 2's titles. 2. That rule is bad idea.

  13. But they did promise gladiator title from 3s and there are several People who put in a lot of time and worked hard to get them. Changing it now would make no sence.. but for the future, maybe so.
    Since when putting a lot of effort should be rewarded by such a title ? Grinding rating on lows and getting the highest rewarded title in arena makes no sense. I know they promised it, but they should really adapt the rewards for this season on Lordaeron. All I see here is players who gave up the competition in 2v2 and prefered to go the easy and boring way in 3v3 to get the title.

  14. They had to wait long queues, invested much time but since they even stated all high teams farm lowteams all the time and playing against each other is rare or even never happens, the gladiator title on Lordaeron will not be about skill or expereince at all. Even to think about R3 is saying noone over 1,5k rating is queueing shows, this bracket is totally dead and should not be rewarded by titles like gladiator, which usually determine the best players. If it was like on retail here, there wouldnt even be one gladiator title in 3v3 because the number of active teams is so low. We would need 200 active arenateams should grant just one gladiator title. I guess the team should get more in touch with the actual reality on the realm instead of making title-rules. To be fair, its the same for the other two wotlk realms too.

  15. all high teams farm lowteams all the time and playing against each other is rare or even never happens
    This is just plain wrong. We have over 50 games against r2 and r3 teams. Lack of armory leads to false presumptions like this. Hope they implement armory for next season.

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