1. <3

    Someone got banned for pvp on a pvp server on retail? Sure thing Pinocchio. ;) Maybe, just maybe, he got banned for camping quest givers, which could be considered harrasment, but he was not banned for ganking lowbies.

    Maybe you should try ganking for a while and maybe after that you can see how ganking can be enjoyable. There is a sport in ganking, I'm guessing you're not familiar with it yet.

    Ganking sport goes like this:
    1. Queue for Random BG
    2. Start running around ganking people
    3. Count your ganks
    4. See if you killed more than your friend after BG finally pops.
    5. Winner gets Berserker buff, if possible.

    And yes, there is a reward, there is lots of rewards, different rewards for different people tho. Some might get a good laugh from lowbies trying to escape. Some might enjoy killing alts and then killing their mains as well. Some might even be role-playing as a terror of stranglethorn, who knows. I like getting free honor from people leveling in northrend. Also, reading this thread has been a lot of fun, that's a reward from ganking too. I would guess that you've enjoyed this thread as well. Doesn't that make it a good thing that the OP was ganked. I mean, too bad for OP, but lots of entertainment for many others.

    Why to gank? Personally I gank when:
    1. I dislike them for some reason
    2. I dislike their guild for some reason
    3. I hate their name
    4. I save someone from being killed
    5. Revenge (edit: not a revenge as in I was ganked when I leveled now I gank some randoms who had nothing to do with it. More like "this person corpse camped me so now I'm gonna gank him back."
    6. Bored

    I totally understand ganking. However corpse camping for no reason and camping quest givers I don't really understand. And btw, everybody has irl problems, but not everybody ganks, linking those together doesn't really work.
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. Someone got banned for pvp on a pvp server on retail? Sure thing Pinocchio. ;) Maybe, just maybe, he got banned for camping quest givers, which could be considered harrasment, but he was not banned for ganking lowbies.

    Maybe you should try ganking for a while and maybe after that you can see how ganking can be enjoyable. There is a sport in ganking, I'm guessing you're not familiar with it yet.

    Ganking sport goes like this:
    1. Queue for Random BG
    2. Start running around ganking people
    3. Count your ganks
    4. See if you killed more than your friend after BG finally pops.
    5. Winner gets Berserker buff, if possible.

    And yes, there is a reward, there is lots of rewards, different rewards for different people tho. Some might get a good laugh from lowbies trying to escape. Some might enjoy killing alts and then killing their mains as well. Some might even be role-playing as a terror of stranglethorn, who knows. I like getting free honor from people leveling in northrend. Also, reading this thread has been a lot of fun, that's a reward from ganking too. I would guess that you've enjoyed this thread as well. Doesn't that make it a good thing that the OP was ganked. I mean, too bad for OP, but lots of entertainment for many others.

    Why to gank? Personally I gank when:
    1. I dislike them for some reason
    2. I dislike their guild for some reason
    3. I hate their name
    4. I save someone from being killed
    5. Revenge (edit: not a revenge as in I was ganked when I leveled now I gank some randoms who had nothing to do with it. More like "this person corpse camped me so now I'm gonna gank him back."
    6. Bored

    I totally understand ganking. However corpse camping for no reason and camping quest givers I don't really understand. And btw, everybody has irl problems, but not everybody ganks, linking those together doesn't really work.
    Your whole post is irrelevant, I am talking about level 80s killing a level 20 over and over by camping their corpse, not close-similar levels.

  3. I start running circles around him, like a shark. If they move, they die. If they are smart however, they can walk away alive. I've gone on a rampage once, making them dispatch 4 lvl 80's to stop me.
    I giggled, I bet you wear a fedora in real life, overweight, and use the term m'lady before opening doors to random girls.

  4. I giggled, I bet you wear a fedora in real life, overweight, and use the term m'lady before opening doors to random girls.
    And I bet you wax lube all over your butthole everytime you login, afraid of all the bad things that can happen to it.

    You're taking things way too seriously, assuming all kind of ****, for people you dont even know, and probably will never will, throught your interwebz prism.

    Please, get to 80 faster so you can stop whining like the little ***** you are.

  5. All you little *****cats in this thread make me want to go on a killing spree in a level 15 zone, then go on another killing spree when everyone brings their mains.

    Especially this taralej guy haha. Been ganked and hit in the back of the head a bit too many times i guess.

    Do yourself a favor, stop crying and do something about it lol
    Yeah, you just don't get it, do you? :/ I'm not complaining, there's nothing for me to complain about. I can't remember the last time I got ganked, honestly, because as I said I can avoid gankers easily. I'm trying to make a point that ganking is wrong and the people who gank are wrong... and you're just proving it by flaming me on a forum and calling me a crybaby.

    Well, thanks, I guess.

    "This taralej guy" has been playing WoW since 2005 and is on Molten since the beginning of 2010, by the way. By the nature of your post, I can only guess how old you were back in 2005. So you can save this kind of attitude for someone else, mate...

  6. Ganking is not wrong and people who gank are not "wrong".

    Besides, what does your play time have to do with anything?

  7. Ganking is not wrong and people who gank are not "wrong".

    Besides, what does your play time have to do with anything?
    I'll just leave some random text here because your reply has no arguments anyway.

  8. I'll just leave some random text here because your reply has no arguments anyway.
    Ofcourse it has no arguments because it's my own opinion... Yours doesn't provide any argument aswell, just your subjective point of view.

  9. Alright, here I go then.

    Ganking is wrong because you're basically having fun by making levelers feel miserable. That's not subjective. Read every post here from players who confirm they enjoy ganking and you'll see exactly that. Gankers are wrong because ganking is not "a part" of PvP, as most of them claim. They say "I'm a player from one faction he's a player from the other faction - I kill him, so it's PvP". Well, that's not what PvP is about and you know it... That's not subjective either.

    The more you play the game, and just the more you interact with other players from both factions, realizing that they're human, just like you, who are just trying to have fun in the game, just like you, the sooner you realize the above and stop ganking and camping and griefing other players and you become a better part of the community. If you're playing the game for a long time and you still enjoy ganking lowbies, then you probably need to think about your attitude towards other players. Most gankers, as you can see from the posts here, see themselves as some hot-shot cool-kid wanna-bes, while seeing others as miserable, pathetic and unworthy.

    There you have it.

    Do I kill lowbies? If they have a cancerous name or they're overwhelming a fellow low-lvl player from my faction, then yes. I rid the world from one *******, lowering his high-and-mighty self-esteem and I help my own faction mates. But otherwise - no. Why should I?
    Edited: April 20, 2016

  10. You keep forgetting that there is a war between aliance and horde. I fulfill Thrall´s orders, every man, woman, child and DK should perish.

  11. I fulfill Thrall´s orders, every man, woman, child and DK should perish.
    That's... actually the contrary of what Thrall says, but OK. I think you meant Garrosh.

  12. Ganking is not wrong and people who gank are not "wrong".

    Besides, what does your play time have to do with anything?
    Lowbie camping is wrong m'kay.

  13. Your whole post is irrelevant, I am talking about level 80s killing a level 20 over and over by camping their corpse, not close-similar levels.
    Yes and I was talking about people of any level ganking people of any level, those levels might be close-similar or have a huge difference that doesn't really matter. Also my post was mainly a reply to taralej and not to you. I'm sorry if you can't see it's relevance.

    Edit: Also I did state my opinion on camping. (Don't really understand/support it as a sport against strangers.)
    Edited: April 20, 2016

  14. And then there's another thing - I see that there are many here who support ganking as part of PvP and think that it's something totally OK.

    Around 7 years ago I knew this guy who was very much into PvP, mainly outdoor PvP. Of course, he played a rogue, and at some point he started going to Duskwood and systematically eradicating any Alliance player that he encountered. He did this for weeks. Yeah. Not just one clean sweep, not hours, not days, but weeks. He kept logging day after day killing every single player he saw, while also killing all the questgivers, the innkeeper, and the flight master. When there was nothing to kill in Darkshire, he would stalk the shady forest and kill players trying to quest, quest target NPCs so players couldn't complete their quests, and of course he would also kill any 80lvl who would try to stop him. If there were more 80s, he would just kill lowbies & vanish or just wait for them to go away and then continue like nothing happened.

    This went on for a long time and at some point he got banned for PvP harassment. When the ban was lifted, he resumed doing the same. Soon he got banned again. After that ban, he resumed doing the same again. This continued until he got a perma ban. On retail. On a PvP realm. I'm not lying (I never do). It's a true story.

    I'm just leaving this as some food for thought. I do have a rogue on every realm of Warmane and I am very curious to see what will Warmane do if I try the same...
    I call bull****. I used to camp people until they spirit rezzed, and then went and camped them in the graveyard. I was only "asked" once to stop by a gm, and when I said no, guess what happened to me... Nothing.

    PvP solution to a PvP problem, your story didn't happen, and you are making **** up to try and justify being a carebear, and scare people off of ganking.

    It also makes me wonder why ******s make these threads. You do nothing but encourage people to "farm your tears". Either get gud, level up and get revenge or get help. If you escape, go quest somewhere else, and if not, log off for a bit and come back, then go quest somewhere else. It really isn't that difficult.

    Hell, when skulls ride past me, I spit on them, and when an enemy player "helps" me out in the world, I kill them, because they are all carebears who should be playing somewhere else.

    P.S. I love all these internet psychiatrists diagnosing gankers as "having problems" or "daddy issues". If pretending you are superior to somebody by claiming they have some illness, makes you feel better, then go for it. Being upset that your pixels died in a game with no consequences shows more about your character, than any ganker. Lfmao.
    Edited: April 20, 2016

  15. Well, call it whatever you want. It happened and I'm not making it up. You're not the first one not to believe it.

    Either get gud, level up and get revenge or get help
    I am gud - it doesn't matter when my opponent can one-shot me though. I can't level up BECAUSE of this. I don't care for revenge - it's just some random lowlife having fun in his own way. It's much easier to escape the ganker than to get help.

    There are many zones which gankers don't even bother going to and are even better than the standard ones - I usually prefer Feralas to Tanaris, for example. It's more beautiful, it has plenty of quests, different kinds of mobs, including a long chain for a blue weapon (for Horde), and I've never met an Alliance player there. Which is weird. Since it's kind of a night elf zone. I guess the trek through Desolace/Thousand Needles is too much for them. Avoiding STV is also something completely viable, as there are many zones for that level range for both factions. I guess people are just lured by the dozens of quests in STV. I can't explain it in any other way.

    And if someone attacks me after I've helped them - I camp them. Serves them well for being ungrateful, I say. It happens way too often that I go to help an enemy player fighting multiple mobs or an elite chain (Nagrand or whatever) and they turn on me. What follows is I do everything in my power to make them suffer as much as possible for being such ungrateful pricks. Camping, ganking them while they're fighting the elite, exploiting the elite's strengths so the player dies without much intervention on my side, or multi-spawning it when possible (abandoning and re-taking the quest multiple times). I know the game from the inside out and I can abuse mechanics in a way that can make it unplayable for others. It's very easy to ruin the ZD arena for someone, for example, because even a geared 80 will have trouble dealing with 3-5 of those elites at the same time. I just choose not to do it... most of the time.

    To me, every pixel walking around playing the game is human first, and then everything else - a paladin, an enemy player or whatever. When I meet a same-level enemy player for the first time and we are on equal grounds, I usually attack them because I enjoy outdoor PvP just as much as the next guy. After I kill them once or twice, I leave them alone because there's no sport in it. And they often understand it. To gankers - it's an enemy player that they see first and must kill, no matter what level or health they're at and how many mobs they're fighting. Which is just silly, man... If you're gonna look at it that way, why are you even playing an MMO?

    And I'm not "upset" that my in-game character died. I'm just pointing out that it's wrong, as it is. What you do right now is just bashing people on a forum. How does that work for your superiority feeling, hmm?
    Edited: April 20, 2016

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