1. Warmane should make some low quality lagging swamp with 10 yards view range so nostalrius refugees will leve lodraeron in peace.

  2. Warmane should make some low quality lagging swamp with 10 yards view range so nostalrius refugees will leve lodraeron in peace.
    But this will just make them feel at home

  3. Instead of asking over and over and over and over again to raise the cap (which is horrible idea with 10k+ even) how about you be smart and ask to implement some system to reduce afk time to 10m instead of 30m ingame and another 10m in char list instead of forever, this is the problem cuz ppl abusing afk all fkn day

  4. Of course it would cause issues, although I feel the long queue is putting people off, ever since it came out I was excited to play, then I saw 1k + queue and instantly backed off, including everyone I knew who were mutually excited about it. However, some of us have bitten the bullet and began to quest, although the queue is definitely off-putting for some people.

    I don't think a 15,000 + cap is a realistic jump from 11,000, although 12,000 could surely be done? The queue on peaks is on average 1000-2000 (Correct me if I'm wrong, that's what it currently is and what I see), so an extra 1000 cap would help.

    It would cause more issues in terms of questing, right now it's quite difficult to quest with so many people and the respawn times (I find myself constantly waiting for respawns).

    Although, even with questing in mind, I still think a higher cap needs to be introduced. The positives would out-way the negatives. At least another 1000 cap surely. The wait it simply too long.

  5. To the OP.
    The cap used to be lower before, it has been incrementally increased and a few weeks ago there were about 9k ppl online during peaks, the only reason why it's packed now with max 11k +1,3 k or whatever in queue, is because Ulduar was released + refugees from Nost ( a vanilla relam that got shut down by Blizz ).

    I see you saying that "more ppl ftw basically and it would be "awesome" with 15 k or whatever)...i mean srsl are u kidding? There's already 11 bloody thousand ppl online simoultaneously. How many ppl do u bloody need and for what? U need 1 million maybe? Srsly, get real. This place has more ppl on ONE realm, than several retail realms put together and u still ain't pleased? Silly...

    Also ppl throwing around the "nost did it" is a bunch of buu****...we all know what kind of fking crazyass delay lag that server had. PvP was unplayable and everyone was moaning about it. You don't seem to realize that hosting that many ppl on one realm requires some srs hardware + modifications to software PLUUUUUUUS the game world ain't meant for 11 k or 15 k ppl. As in nost when u had 13 k ppl + online it was bloody impossible to get any of those group quests done, it was impossible to mine/herb anything, it was full of trolls that camped quest spots, the world pvp and ganking was insane.

    So calm ur tits, that's all i have to say about these 12 year olds crying for big pops, without any understanding of ANYTHING.

    instead of asking over and over and over and over again to raise the cap (which is horrible idea with 10k+ even) how about you be smart and ask to implement some system to reduce afk time to 10m instead of 30m ingame and another 10m in char list instead of forever, this is the problem cuz ppl abusing afk all fkn day
    Exactly ffs!

    Warmane should make some low quality lagging swamp with 10 yards view range so nostalrius refugees will leve lodraeron in peace.

    Yeah rofl, that Nost in a nutshell indeed. A laggy, chinese infested pile of crap.

  6. I mean just understand if you wanna play, just log in before and have the que going as you do other things. I had to wait a hour but I didn't stare at the screen the entire time.

    Log in, go do other stuff, come back to the character screen. profit?

  7. Stop crying about 2k que and brace yourself for 3.5k one when ulduar hits.

  8. wow had 40k support for one server, and most popluar servers in 2010 were always +30k ppl.
    its not that impossible
    wow retail had aobut 5k ppl on one server pre cata.. where did you get this info? O.o

  9. wow retail had aobut 5k ppl on one server pre cata.. where did you get this info? O.o
    blizz stated that 3k pop is optimal per realm. and even with 3k pop at peak time they lagged af

    sure, why not to make another server "lorlike" server without donations, to bring end to warmane even more faster. those kiddos make me sick.
    i get used to sit in que of 1500 to log on ****ing deathwing, back in 2010 for 1 year. and they are qqing already, after playing 1 week. **** my life

  10. So let's assume they raise it to 12 000. Next day new threads will pop up to raise it to 13 000, rinse repeat. You get to play here for free and you complain about waiting in a queue.

  11. Temporary solution if you wanna play WoW no matter what

    1. Run Game
    2. Login
    3. Wait the queue
    4. Alt Tab
    5. Run Game (again)
    6. Login, immediately press cancel on 'Success'
    7. Select and play on other realm

    And then just switch back and forth the application instances to see if the queue is done yet or not. That's how I did it once. Wait queue on Lordaeron while playing on Deathwing

  12. people asking for 12k-13k cap...you dont realize,even if they raise the cap to 13k,it might cause huge amount of problems and you would still have 1k queues...people will just keep coming to this server,its inevitable that you will have queues.Increasing the cap (crashing the server,causing it to lag) is not going to cap.

  13. When they first enabled 11k , average latency was 180ms according to information page, that number was dropping and its now at 75ms on 11k, so im sure another cap increase will follow soon.

  14. Lol, im gonna guess that youre new. The cap used to be 10,000, which gave me and thousands of others 2500+ queues which didnt go away till about 6pm EST (ST -4). So yea, you got it easy lol.
    im gonna go an quote myself here cause today we hit a new record, at least for the longest queue ive seen, at the time i posted we got a 2800 queue lol, which is prob gonna go up as we hit evening and afternoon in EST

  15. Would like to add that having multiboxing "legal" on this server doesn't help the que, Also an AFK system would help the que too.

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