1. May 17, 2016  

    Iron Council Hardmode Disk

    So my Question is do the Disk/Quest getting removed of the People who killed Iron Council with bugged Steelbreaker ?
    Since he got fixed this Week and is working how its supose to be, it is fair enough to other Guilds to remove the Disk or allready taken Quest.
    Because the Race to Algalon is still open.
    PLEASE NO HATE, just a request :)
    Edited: May 17, 2016

  2. May 17, 2016  
    i mean the reality is they probably wont.

    10m worked fine, he was only bugged in 25m.

  3. May 17, 2016  
    Didnt knew it was working in 10men properly

    yes i know they wont, but i can atleast try it :D

  4. May 17, 2016  
    nothing is "fixed" .. its more broke t han ever

    I asked different raiding guilds what is the situation with IC this week and it turns out you have 50% chance in your id this week to have 1. Bugged version - steelbreaker doesnt get HM buffs but gives HM loot. (confirmed by animosity, infamous,collusion)
    2- "Fixed" Version - 2 stacks and steelbreaker hits for 75k GLHF 1000% impossible. (confirmed by Memories, Company, Hiraeth)

    No idea what causes steelbreaker to not gain HM buffs and why for certain guilds he does and for others doesnt buts its a ****ing joke.

    So half the raiding guilds kill it this week if they were lucky enough for their ID to get the bugged version .

    P.S. * Before you say that it got hotfixed or whatever, no it didnt For example guilds killed"bugged version" On wednesday and on monday, and some guilds tried "Fixed" version all week long. Its just differnet for each ID or there is something that causes steelbreaker not to gain HM buffs in the fight(no clue what tho).
    Edited: May 17, 2016

  5. May 17, 2016  
    I think it's probably because the devs keep changing ''buffing, nerfing, fixing'' fights in the middle of a reset with no information on when these fixes will happen, we killed it very quick on the reset so probably killed it when it was still version 1, then later in the week they probably tried to fix it and presented a completely new version 2 of the bosses.
    I don't know when you killed them though so maybe it's just completely random

    It's kind of what happen in the first week of Ulduar.

    If I can give the devs some advice on keeping things fair and balanced, just implement changes during the weekly reset instead of ****ing with bosses mid reset,
    Edited: May 17, 2016

  6. May 17, 2016  
    That being said devs can remove the disks I don't think it makes a difference at all since you should be able to kill steelbreaker if you can kill thorim freya and mimiron hm, if they dont keep it absolutely butchered

  7. May 17, 2016  
    no its not like that, it has been the same since wednesday. Its just buggy so some guilds get the hm buff, others do not

  8. May 17, 2016  
    That being said devs can remove the disks I don't think it makes a difference at all since you should be able to kill steelbreaker if you can kill thorim freya and mimiron hm, if they dont keep it absolutely butchered
    Freya Hm is atm impossible i think. The Purple Elder spawns not targetble Infernals who starts one shotting everyone.....its a dps race every week for us, he working fine in 10men dunno why not in 25....

  9. May 17, 2016  
    no its not like that, it has been the same since wednesday. Its just buggy so some guilds get the hm buff, others do not
    Could you please clarify 'hm buff'?

    Do you mean Supercharge, from when Brundir and Runemaster die?

    Or do you mean Meltdown? Caused by Overwhelming Power expiring on a player.

    The fix was in place after Wednesday so that Overwhelming Power is not LoSable (the same mechanic as retail).

  10. May 17, 2016  
    [QUOTE=iamw;2675637]Could you please clarify 'hm buff'?

    i mean heal/dmg buff when a player dies doesnt work for some guilds but works for others, has nothing to do with LOSing meltdown. Animosity for example just went and killed it lastnight and when players died it didnt heal, Company same story but after some tries it started healing. For Memories, it healed on wednesday and yesterday.

    Quote" Iamw: The fix was in place after Wednesday so that Overwhelming Power is not LoSable (the same mechanic as retail). Quote]
    ( thats only your guild exploiting a bugged mechanic 2 resets in a row, this fixed affected only your guild so kinda "owngoal" there for you xD).

    But whatever, there are no rules everything is arbitrary on this realm. At the end of the day, people will do what they need to do to kill bosses which are impossible. Thats the main issue. I dont even think you did a bad thing exploiting it because there is no other way to do it. If I knew about it I would have done it as well. Same goes for Freya/Mimiron/Yogg. These mathematicaly impossible fights will only encourage people to try and find exploits to get an edge.
    Edited: May 17, 2016

  11. May 17, 2016  
    Could you please clarify 'hm buff'?

    i mean heal/dmg buff when a player dies doesnt work for some guilds but works for others, has nothing to do with LOSing meltdown. Animosity for example just went and killed it lastnight and when players died it didnt heal, Company same story but after some tries it started healing. For Memories, it healed on wednesday and yesterday.

    Quote" Iamw: The fix was in place after Wednesday so that Overwhelming Power is not LoSable (the same mechanic as retail). Quote]
    ( thats only your guild exploiting a bugged mechanic 2 resets in a row).
    Absolutely happy for GMs to remove all 239 items from every guild for this boss. Noone should even have the achievement.

    What isn't fair is some having that advantage over others. If you can't kill it this week then we've had 2 kills each. Fair is fair?

  12. May 17, 2016  
    check my edit

    Like if my GM would allow it , we would go and kill tonight but he most likely wont.(The LOS exploit)

    We tried to do hardmode properly/we tested some ping pong and other strategies. It CAN be done but its borderline exploiting at best.

    All I'm saying is with the current state of some of those hardmodes, people will resort to exploiting and when one guild does it then rest will think its okay(Now I think i should exploit because other guilds killed it and I dont think its fair , u know?).
    Edited: May 17, 2016

  13. May 17, 2016  
    At first I was treating the server as if it was retail. Then when obvious bugs were not fixed after my direct reports my assumption has to be that they're completely legitimate ways of killing bosses here. In a way I'm happy that there are differences from retail.

    Steelbreaker was actually not mathematically impossible, just incredibly hard in Naxx gear (the only real issue is the tank damage from Meltdown).

    I completely agree about other bosses being impossible though. Thorim Chain Lightning > 8 yards is making me pull my hair out (although the enrage is impossible on HM anyway).

  14. May 17, 2016  
    Well I dont think our conversation is accomplishing anything.

    But if someone out there cares, even if devs dont want guilds to kill hardmodes quickly,atleast make an effort to create an illusion that the fights are borderline possible. xd
    Edited: May 17, 2016

  15. May 17, 2016  
    Let's also not forget that hodir is bugged to hell also but on this fights the bugs literally can't be avoided.

    3 hardmodes killed so far and none of them work correctly, very fun stuff

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