1. June 7, 2016  
    Wasn't your original post based just on arena ratings where you compared 1300 ferals as thrash? You can'thave it both ways. Either you choose a class/race because you like it or you choose it because of it's bonuses/spells and current overall state to pursue ratings or best DPS/HPS in raids. So pick a side and stick to it.
    I personaly think that you can be the best playing anything as long as you know how to play it and to adopt to certain situations. For example I see a very small amount of goblins compared to other races but I wouldn't change my goblin main for the world. The look/animation/voice acting and the flavor of it is just priceless to me.
    What the acctualy ****? read again

  2. June 8, 2016  
    so will you make that sh*tty guide or not? XD

  3. June 8, 2016  
    Hello, I have noticed that there are just a few feral druids on this server, and if there are feral druids they are either high rated, or complete 1.3k trash, have you ever though about why is that. Do you guys think I should make a FERAL druid guide for waramne? Would you benefit from that, if guide is good would you maybe consider rolling feral, I dont wanna type for no reason =))

    Good night boys
    So you are saying that this post means that you want to make a guide for people who are already high rated? I don't understand. You are only talking about arena ratings here and I the logical thing is that people with high rating don't need a guide. So you are talking about the "1300 thrash". I don't think I misunderstood you.

  4. June 8, 2016  
    few comments..

    `why play a bleed spec, when warr w/ bugs dishes out more bleed dmg? :D
    `lot of ppl don't play feral here, cuz it's more difficult then say warr, or hunter.
    `feral requires far more keybinds/macros then any other class for me. when i jumped from cata to mop, i could keep my bindings almost identical for all classes.. aside from feral. for feral i had to adapt a completely different keybind setup.
    `most [new] ferals got pwned in arena and rerolled to boomkin.. didn't know how to play it, so rerolled to healer and get carried by op bugged classes to get full prideful healer gear, then their feral gear after lol
    `a guide won't teach ppl how to play.. ppl should honestly stop making guides here.. a compendium would be better. a thread listing like.. all 5.4.7-5.4.8 [with a few 5.4 guides if not as much changed] guides, video links, other info. just give them links to all the source info.. the only "guide" needed really, is to tell people what to look for in those videos. cuz the same 2 min. clip could teach 10 different things, but u won't necessarily see them all on ur first playthrough, and even if u do.. u'll still likely need to watch it multiple times

  5. June 8, 2016  
    A format like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckhxdidFPkw
    would be far better than any written guides. There're multitudes of sources for the other basic stuff.

    Or, as the post above me suggested, pick a good feral video from YouTube, make your own comments, explain what the feral in video is trying to do as the situation changes, what they were looking out for etc.
    And enough discussion. Get working on it. :P

  6. June 8, 2016  
    Too bad none of you guys have any idea how to play feral since you spec Cenarion Ward + Incarn + HotW/DoC.
    I believe you could make a guide but hardly any feral will follow it since everybody whispers me on how to play feral :'D
    But gl

  7. June 8, 2016  
    Too bad none of you guys have any idea how to play feral since you spec Cenarion Ward + Incarn + HotW/DoC.
    I believe you could make a guide but hardly any feral will follow it since everybody whispers me on how to play feral :'D
    But gl
    Playing HOTW is nowhere near as good as NV, but HOTW gives your that utility in 2s with you despretly need for double dps =)

  8. June 9, 2016  
    Could you make the guide please ? :) I would love to see some tips or something about the feral spec
    I was a decent feral before pridefull ( FAR from good but not bad like ferals that dont know they can shapeshift etc )
    But now since pridefull is out i get raped by every single class/spec like i get full hped by spriests , mages , warlocks etc and i can barely beat a warrior or not even , when pridefull wasnt out i used to eat most of the warrs easy but now its almost impossible
    I dont even feel like capping my feral atm cuz i feel like they arent what they used to be

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