1. Hilarious! Love the Benny hill music too. Nice video. The chain lightnings are the best though. So much lol

    i think multibox should be banned, they ruin the game and the pvp; i found many of them in wg and bgs
    Did you watch the video? How can you not roflcopter? This is amazing.

    I understand everything you said, but think about this: WG is like, i don't know, 80vs80? So the multiboxer deny 25 spots in horde queue and ruin the game for 80 people in alliance. This mean 80+25/160 -> 1 guy (the multiboxer) ruins the game for 65% of the players doing this event.
    But he lets horde do VoA so its cool man chill.

  2. Hilarious! Love the Benny hill music too. Nice video. The chain lightnings are the best though. So much lol

    Did you watch the video? How can you not roflcopter? This is amazing.

    But he lets horde do VoA so its cool man chill.
    There are 2 type of players: who think multiboxing is not a problem, and allies.

  3. There are 2 type of players: who think multiboxing is not a problem, and allies.
    May i correct you,

    - Those who think multiboxing is not a problem
    - Former Deathwing alliance players who just awoke from dreamland.
    - Former Ragnaros alliance players who know how to deal with them.

  4. When Warmane Administrator's / Game-Master will put a rule against the multiboxing people then we gonna stop doing multiboxin util then stop cryin :)

    LE: As KasadaR said , we give to horde the opportunity to use VoA , when the Warbringers and other so called "Pro pvp guilds"dont help horde side on WG , then we help the horde to get VoA atlast 1-2 times a week
    Edited: June 16, 2016

  5. May i correct you,

    - Those who think multiboxing is not a problem
    - Former Deathwing alliance players who just awoke from dreamland.
    - Former Ragnaros alliance players who know how to deal with them.

    - The ones who have balls to PvP with single chars
    - The ones who haven't

  6. - The ones who have balls to PvP with single chars
    U are talking about balls in a computer game? LOL

  7. U are talking about balls in a computer game? LOL
    He is right actually.
    A coward without balls irl will act the same in the game, cowardly and ratty.

  8. Oh good, finally a thread to reference every time someone tries arguing that it's the multiboxer's fault that they suck.
    They suck... THEY suck... THEY SUCK... OH THE IRONY!

  9. He is right actually.
    A coward without balls irl will act the same in the game, cowardly and ratty.
    Ehm, no?
    Only a child would think that a computer game has anything to do with manfulness.

  10. Multiboxer... the most hated guy on the opposite team.

  11. [...] + this guy donated so much money he's like the 25% of a reason why this server still exists.
    Sorry dude but..what this is supposed to mean to? If I pay I will be able to do everything i want just because i pay a lot of money to the server? O.o

    However I don't wanna say if multiboxing is legal or not (morally talking), but I can just say that if all players do that the game will probably become a f****ng bull***t and no1 would like to play it again on this server (and it's not difficult to understand why).

    I won't say if do it it's correct or not but talking for me, i would like to play against 1 person and so 1 pg instead of vs 1 person who controls 20 char.

  12. 100% agree with the post above. The fact that if you pay you can do whatever you want is a stupid idea.

  13. 100% agree with the post above. The fact that if you pay you can do whatever you want is a stupid idea.
    The big difference here being that they can do it because it's not against the rules and has jack **** to do with how much they might have paid.

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