1. It's part of the game bro. Besides, how otherwise did you expect them to have "millions of HKs" if not by farming someone who can't fight back?
    I know its part of the game, i dint judge them (Insanity) killing low gs players in BG. Im wondering why u all judge them about that...

  2. I know its part of the game, i dint judge them (Insanity) killing low gs players in BG. Im wondering why u all judge them about that...
    People judge them because they say they're ELITE PVP GUILD and they act superior. However they can't win guild vs guild events and that's why they are declining them all the time. And ye.. that's pretty much it. To sum up they prefer farming lowbies rather than going against another PvP guild.

  3. From these two videos you linked there is NOTHING that shows any skill whatsoever.

  4. This robot guy has to be one of the worst hpallys i saw in a long time.

  5. I personaly think from wat i saw wen were there in Insanity is..yea they are frendly atlest at the time,but week leadership,no real officers,no requierments to join <elite> pvp guild which leads to quantity over quality whitch farther to not being capable face equal premade in numbers.Why? Becouse majority of guild roster simply are there to get carry.And ppl that do actualy carry are alot less from wat i see in armory.In other words i think there are no point to join insanity if you are good player, who enjoy more then simple av enebler spam like city offenc/Deff <gvg> and random pvp events made bye ure self s.Farming hks on lows(non premades).Thats wat its good for(no rly at the time it was eze to make 2,5k per day and its not close to bigest ive seen ppl farmed there xD) Anything ealse..just no.

  6. Both those videos and this guy ending sentences with :))))))))))))) is so cringe worthy. And with all the truth how they suck, never accept GvG and only farm lowbies their best argument is killing VIRTUS members 10v1 ayy
    I mean come on, their requirement to join is "insane number of honrable kills". Number of honorable kills =/= skill. Many of my friends playing DKs and warriors have huge number of honorable kills yet they have no clue what most of their abilities do. All it takes to get honorable kills is to play and that's it, you'll get at least 50ish of them per a BG and you'll end up with pleny of HKs in a week. I have seen myself that most of the Insanity members have no clue what they are doing and only use 3-4 damaging abilities and that's it. That's also the reason they don't wanna accept any GvG lmao

  7. I mean, as a furious gladiator title owner, I do know for sure, having a gladiator title doesn't grant you extra damage or HP in battleground.. If there are 5 people on 1, obviously you guys will win.
    You never played for that furious gladiator title eventho how much you claim you did and you got it from someone after molt down since r1 titles were gonna get refunded. so more or less ebay glad kpce

  8. Well, what can I say of this. Sadly we can't really run 10m premades simply because the que time is not the best for alliance and people don't have the patience for the long waiting time. So at that note we can que as 5 only. If in your opinion a term *PvP Elite Guild* means only doing bg's, I guess can call it little bit delusional. Have to say tho, in the end of the day BG is a BG so in case I do get killed (Which is a normal thing since I am not immortal) makes me worthy enough so you make a videos out of it, is rather funny. So in the conclusion, if by your words VIRTUS premade *raped* means winning max 5 players and putting up struggle in some of those bg's to even win them. I'm glad to be in my guild.

  9. Yup. Ebay glad 1000%. Keep trying to get on my level. Oh, just kidding. Cuz you will never get here.

  10. Thread boring lvl Bera grabed popcorns and droped tham.
    No1 cares 'bout pvp, rly.

  11. People judge them because they say they're ELITE PVP GUILD and they act superior. However they can't win guild vs guild events and that's why they are declining them all the time. And ye.. that's pretty much it. To sum up they prefer farming lowbies rather than going against another PvP guild.
    Well they r not ELITE PVP guild for sure, but i dont see nothing wrong in raping lowbies in BGs or in wpvp (when i say lowbie i think of gs, not lvl) if they r dedicated to farm HKs...

  12. Yup. Ebay glad 1000%. Keep trying to get on my level. Oh, just kidding. Cuz you will never get here.
    Okay champ, whatever you say.

    Oh, just kidding. Cuz you will never get here.

  13. Well they r not ELITE PVP guild for sure, but i dont see nothing wrong in raping lowbies in BGs or in wpvp (when i say lowbie i think of gs, not lvl) if they r dedicated to farm HKs...
    Don't get me wrong. Farming low geared people in bgs is not wrong at all (after all you all get queued in a battleground so it's just pure luck if you will go vs 20 purple geared characters). It's just the fact that they are saying they are an ELITE PVP GUILD (you can read the name of this forum thread) and they are acting superior. However they don't accept a guild vs guild fights even in the peak hours when most of the active players are online ( and as yo ucan see in one of the videos even when their core members are active they are scared of fighting).

  14. Don't get me wrong. Farming low geared people in bgs is not wrong at all (after all you all get queued in a battleground so it's just pure luck if you will go vs 20 purple geared characters). It's just the fact that they are saying they are an ELITE PVP GUILD (you can read the name of this forum thread) and they are acting superior. However they don't accept a guild vs guild fights even in the peak hours when most of the active players are online ( and as yo ucan see in one of the videos even when their core members are active they are scared of fighting).
    Well i think we are talking same things here.... :D

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