1. Why not, good idea :)

  2. push

    since raid buffs the avs are a decent challenge this kind of reward would be appreciated

  3. Yeah, please give us purpose :D An answer will be appreciated.

  4. push

    since raid buffs the avs are a decent challenge this kind of reward would be appreciated
    Good point, raids are buffed, are a bigger challenge than they were on retail, give people their drake.

  5. edit my post because the thread was opened before raid buffs

  6. Push. This needs to happen to be truly blizzlike.

  7. Push. This needs to happen to be truly blizzlike.
    But we are already on 3.1 content))

  8. push

    since raid buffs the avs are a decent challenge this kind of reward would be appreciated
    +1 do it please

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