1. Transmog Reset? Here's how to fix that from happening.

    Tired of regular looking gear and want your gear to look pretty ? Or Having issues with your Transmog resetting after a relog? I've got the fix on how to make your transmog stay.
    start with your gear

    You head to the nearest Transmogrification vendor and transmog your gear (must be leather into leather/plate into plate and so on)

    after you're done Transmogging the gear.... you need to take off the gear, place in your bag, and make your toon naked (sounds silly but trust me.... i've done this 1000's of times)

    Log Out

    Select your toon and Enter World (mine is shocked by all you perverts staring at her)

    once you're back in game/in world ..... re apply your gear and the transmog is set and WILL NOT RESET

    Happy Transmogging!!!

  2. It is also as easy as just transmogging the gear, unequipping them and then equipping them. Then when you logout its saved.

  3. Thanks for the fix, but may I ask what addon are you using for the bags?

  4. Thanks for the fix, but may I ask what addon are you using for the bags?

    The addon he is using is Bagon.

    I was so sad for having an umbrella off hand and couldnt transmog it, but now I can <3

  6. The amount of Gold I have wasted on xmogging is too damn high :c

  7. It is also as easy as just transmogging the gear, unequipping them and then equipping them. Then when you logout its saved.
    What you said is true......sometimes. you dont always have a 100% success rate of keeping your xmog from resetting when you just unequip and re-equip before logout

  8. Thanks a lot buddy . This way finally help me !!! and ? im looking great :D

  9. just an FYI::::

    You do not have to log out.

    Simply remove and put your armor back on. The reason for this is if you leave transmog window open or not, you will see the animation of the xmo going through and that is all you need.

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