1. Hey all Bob is here!

    Wanted to re introduce myself. I played here years ago but never got my toons back so started new ones. I usually have toons with bob in it somewhere and am a multiboxer on the cata server. I am pretty easy going and am a casual player of what ever sounds good at the moment. If you see me around say hi or a friendly wave. I am not much into pvp anymore and leveling five enh Shaman at the moment. I am thinking about making a pve mixed team but want to see how the server is first before I invest that much time. Looking forward to meeting new people and even making some new friends.

    Oh yeah FOR THE HORDE!

  2. Hey Bob! Nice to have you. I am a multiboxer from the old old Lordaeron, but now play on the Icecrown WotLK server. Just wanted to say hi, and let you know I have been thinking about trying out the cata server. I played on both wotlk and cata realms back in the day and curious if the cata server now is up to par. I also enjoy the challenge of PVE content with sometimes unusual class compositions. Will keep in touch!

  3. I almost started a team on the wrath server but really like cata. I might eventually start a team there though. :)

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