Hey, im kind of "new" to warmane's arena and I would like to know if win trading is allowed on this server? Do I report it or let it go?
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Hey, im kind of "new" to warmane's arena and I would like to know if win trading is allowed on this server? Do I report it or let it go?
Provided that you can supply them with all necessary evidence, you can send a ticket to the staff about it.
In the meantime, let us sit back and catch a little glimpse of the bleak future of wintrader
I hardly comment on posts like this, but this picture made me sincerely LOL.
We all know the players who already met this fate like Adamman the Trader has.
RIP in piece.
Edited: September 27, 2016
So one question before accusing people, the armory with wins and loses is it buggy? like if i see 0 healing and 0 damage done on more than 5 games in a row is that a straight out bug? or just wintrading a bit on the side to get furious weapon?
Not sure if it is wintrading or not. But isn't it possible that it is just someone getting in their ten games for the week or possibly MMR dropping? I would determine this right off the go by simply checking the persons gear. If they have gear that requires rating, its probably wintrading or MMR dropping. If they have crap gear and specificcly no gear requiring rating, they are probably just getting in ten games.
The question would fall to being able to examine who they are playing against. If it is the exact same opponent the whole time and you can tell it is a methodical process of them losing intentionally, and then fulfilling the other requirement for a wintrading system which I will not discuss here, you can easily google it. But I am pretty sure it requires 2 people with 2 teams each to do it.
f you cannot determine it yourself. Then take what evidence you can provide and submit it to a GM and let them sort it out. They can easily determine if someone is participating in wintrading or not.
Edited: September 29, 2016