1. Speedy Gonzales encounters

    The purpose of this topic is to discuss about the new update that just hit the server, apparently Valithria's soft enrage takes about 47 seconds (Correct me if I'm wrong) and it could lead to an instant wipe because the adds start casting as if it was Touhou (Hell bullet games, for people who aren't familiar with it please watch this).

    Also, you die instantly as soon as Lich King finishes casting Harvest soul on you, therefore leading to an enrage. Oh, he also seems to have become the next Usain Bolt in the game.

    What were your experiences so far?

  2. QA guys already know this.
    Other than that. VDW, LK Spirit Warden and Halion got that problem so far.

  3. Halion seems to have no GCD restriction and his spells don't have a cooldown either in p3. He simply kills everything going out in p3 after a few seconds.

  4. Halion seems to have no GCD restriction and his spells don't have a cooldown either in p3. He simply kills everything going out in p3 after a few seconds.
    Yea, this is what exactly what happened last week to me. After phase two and when you go out you'd die faster than a 3k gs tanking voa. But that happened only once so probably its a rare occurence who knows?

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