1. Blackrock solo q mmr system to lordareon

    hello, been playing alot of solo q these days and i would like to suggest to put on Lordareon the MMR system as the new on implemented on solo queue in blackrock . The reason behind this is that this mmr system works great on low pvp player base realm likes lordareon, because the current one after 5 mins you will only face teams under or below 350 of your current mmr, while this system on solo q tries to search for teams by increasing the mmr range by 100 and by decreasing 100 mmr each 20 seconds , this is by far the best mmr system that can be applied on lordareon than the current one, the current mmr system provides no motivation to play 3v3 what so ever, because at some point if you are at 1.9k mmr or near that mmr you wont be facing any team that is in queue and lordareon 3v3 population is completly dead, this would also apply to 2s, since at high mmr you also can only face teams 300 mmr of your range, converting in low queues or no queues at all. This mmr system would by far be the best to be applied on lordareon and I would like an opinion from the staff about it.

  2. Good plan if you ax me.

  3. totally agree, lordareon needs a revamp on the current mmr system. bumping this

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