1. Devs are not refusing to fix anything, stop talking nonsense, Please.
    Well if you guys were communicating a little, maybe users wouldn't have to speculate "nonsense" all the time.

    Just saying...

  2. Well if you guys were communicating a little, maybe users wouldn't have to speculate "nonsense" all the time.

    Just saying...
    Just finished reading the Thread Halta mentioned. I wouldn't expect much communication xD. Logic is the kryptonite that stops staff from responding in these threads.

  3. Now get bis/profs and do enjoy finally real pvp . . .

  4. This is pretty much the PVP experience here for the newcomers

  5. I feel your pain. I've been into WoW since retail vanilla. I'm a patient man, hell, my first toon was a paladin, leveling and gearing one, not to mention completing the epic mount quest was quite a feat before TBC. Not to mention the never ending AVs.
    So armed with that patience I started gearing up my orc warrior. What you need is patience and lots of it. Did I mention patience?

    Don't even bother with Timeless Isle unless you have really good PvE gear or accompanied by a friend with good PvP gear. You'll get ganged on sight, not to mention every mob there can disintegrate you just by sneezing on you, unless you got decent gear and not fresh 90-greens and blues.
    Fresh 90 gives the same honor as full 550 90, guess who's more likely to be picked for an easy gank. If you can stealth and you are very careful and patient though, it might worth a visit on off-peak hours.

    Get a couple of professions that will make you money. A gathering one and another one to accompany it. Any combination will do. They all have large amounts of profit. Mats and goodies. Ignore BGs for a while and focus on making money. Start buying from the AH piece by piece blue PvP gear, gems and enchants for it. Including amulet, pvp trinket and ring. Do "Arena of Annihilation" quest to get a sort-of-decent starting weapon.

    THEN you may start entering BGs. You could do that before but it's extremely frustrating. Never run alone. Stick with the biggest crowd. Pick the weakest target. Even with crappy gear you are able to contribute to buffs and more importantly CC. For example, my warrior was built around CC and staying alive as much as possible. My undergeared paladin is more useful as holy. Healing sucks till I get a decent weapon but I get attacked first and I can "healtank" for some time while they try to burn me down. All classes can be useful even when undergeared. You might not get a kill, but you can hold a base or stall an EFC long enough for the reinforcements to arrive.

    Back to gearing. First thing you get is a compliment 522 trinket to get the PvP resilience bonus with your AH one. Then the helmet to get the meta gem. And then grind your way up to a weapon. If it's a 2H you need, the you should have just enough to get the 7500 season limit when you get the 3500 honor points (1750+2250+3500). If it's 1H+OH, get the OH first, then the 1H. At that point you may have enough conquest points to get an armor piece. Get the piece with the most important stats for your class and spec. I got the leggings for example.

    At that point, you'll be at least able to annoy and even kill people in RBGs. Remember, not everyone is 550 there. Most 550s get eventually bored of the tedious RGB grinding so there will be more people up to par with you. I'm currently at 500 and it's not THAT painful anymore.

    Also, "ignore" is your friend. You'll get 14 year old whiners who demand that you do not enter RBGs unless you're at least full 522 and call you a noob or **** like that for not getting a full 550 set the second you hit 90. Don't even bother to reply, just right click on name and hit the lovely ignore choice.
    Don't do what most people do if an RBG is hopelessly lost, staying in ghost form or within the safety of your spawning point. Charge. Attack. Maybe someone will follow, maybe you'll manage to get a kill. Still better than just sitting around.

    Hope that was a bit helpful. Cheers.

  6. It definitely was and I appreciate that.

    Still, I can't shake the feeling that Frostwolf is lacking something. Don't seem able to find a guild, not one that doesn't hopelessly spams invitations at least, at times the server feels empty, and I've done nothing for the past week or so other than sitting my mount's fat *** next to the Honor Quartermaster in Pandaria and waiting to be called in.

    Is that what most people do on this server, anyway? I've seen a lot of characters either at the temple or on the walls around the vendors.. Not much else seems to be going on on Frostwolf..

  7. When you're around 530 AiL, hit up some Devastation Officer if you're Horde. It's the biggest casual PvP guild on Horde side and I'm sure they'll drop you an inv.

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