1. May 12, 2017  

    Client crashes in Dalaran. Please help!

    I posted bellow, the error I'm getting every time I'm in Dalaran:

    ================================================== ============================
    World of WarCraft (build 12340)

    Exe: E:\Downloads\Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a\Wow wotlk.exe
    Time: May 12, 2017 6:52:32.996 PM
    User: Robert
    Computer: ROBERT-PC

    This application has encountered a critical error:

    Not enough storage is available to process this command.

    Program: E:\Downloads\Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a\Wow wotlk.exe
    File: FMod
    Line: 0

    Requested 761548 bytes of memory

    WoWBuild: 12340
    SET locale "enUS"
    SET realmList "logon.warmane.ru"
    SET hwDetect "0"
    SET gxWindow "1"
    SET gxMaximize "1"
    SET gxResolution "1680x1050"
    SET gxMultisample "4"
    SET gxMultisampleQuality "0.000000"
    SET gxFixLag "0"
    SET videoOptionsVersion "3"
    SET movie "0"
    SET mouseSpeed "1"
    SET Gamma "1.000000"
    SET readTOS "1"
    SET readEULA "1"
    SET showToolsUI "1"
    SET accounttype "LK"
    SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default"
    SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
    SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
    SET farclip "1277"
    SET specular "1"
    SET groundEffectDensity "64"
    SET projectedTextures "1"
    SET realmName "Lordaeron"
    SET gameTip "46"
    SET uiScale "0.76999998092651"
    SET useUiScale "1"
    SET Sound_MasterVolume "0"
    SET Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverName "System Default"
    SET Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverName "System Default"
    SET environmentDetail "1.5"
    SET timingTestError "0"
    SET gxTripleBuffer "1"
    SET textureFilteringMode "5"
    SET componentTextureLevel "9"
    SET shadowLevel "0"
    SET particleDensity "1"
    SET groundEffectDist "140"
    SET extShadowQuality "5"
    SET weatherDensity "3"
    SET gxRefresh "60"
    SET checkAddonVersion "0"

    GxApi: D3D9
    Adapter Count: 1

    Adapter 0 (primary):
    Driver: aticfx32.dll
    Version: 22.19.0165.0001
    Description: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series
    DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1


  2. May 12, 2017  
    it is a RAM problem caused by your WoD models.

    You can delete WoD models by following this guide: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....the-old-client

  3. May 13, 2017  

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