1. May 12, 2017  

    class similar to battlemage

    hello boys and girls
    as the title says, i'm looking for a class that comes the closest to a battlemage
    i like the idea of swining big weapons and still be able to use spells aswell

    for wotlk i was thinking that dk is the closest i can get to that is that true?

    but on the other hand with the new tbc server coming maybe i give that a try as i never played it much when it was live
    what would it be for that expansion?

  2. May 12, 2017  
    Well, DK doesn't have casting time like mage, but they do spells on their own (and I do think it has cooler effect). I'm thinking Frost DK. Blood DK is much closer to a regular warrior. Paladin would also be one if you count holy spell (if you're looking for true 'battlemage' though, not really)

    Shaman may also count too...

  3. May 12, 2017  
    hello boys and girls
    as the title says, i'm looking for a class that comes the closest to a battlemage
    i like the idea of swining big weapons and still be able to use spells aswell

    for wotlk i was thinking that dk is the closest i can get to that is that true?

    but on the other hand with the new tbc server coming maybe i give that a try as i never played it much when it was live
    what would it be for that expansion?
    for TBC paladin can be called battle mage.he does holy dmg and have casts+ instant spells,range spells melee spells,lots of buffs aswell.
    Edited: May 12, 2017

  4. May 12, 2017  
    Enhance shami, ret paly or dk are a mix of melee and magic dmg.
    Edited: May 12, 2017

  5. May 13, 2017  
    hello boys and girls
    as the title says, i'm looking for a class that comes the closest to a battlemage
    i like the idea of swining big weapons and still be able to use spells aswell

    for wotlk i was thinking that dk is the closest i can get to that is that true?

    but on the other hand with the new tbc server coming maybe i give that a try as i never played it much when it was live
    what would it be for that expansion?
    For a while, at least on retail there was a short period of "ranged" DK's spamming IT's and Death Coil's that caused a ton of cry babies to whine for nerfs. Obviously nothing with casting time but you may be able to figure out some kind of Unholy spec around that. I've never attempted it here and all the details are a bit foggy, someone else could probably chime in with better details than me. I *think* they usually went the Dual Wield route though instead of using a 2hand weapon.

  6. May 14, 2017  
    Paladins are all about holy spells and have very poor offensive spell selection, which is gonna make you feel less like a battlemage and more like a cleansemage. Death Knights play nothing like a spellcaster, and are in a way the opposite of paladins, where all of their "spells" are offensive, without any good options for support. Their spell schools and spec themes are also generally a very poor fit for a mage character with the only exception being frost.

    Your only real option for a battlemage themed character would be an enhancement shaman. You get a good balance between offensive spells, support spells and melee and their magic is elemental themed, which is very mage-like.

  7. May 14, 2017  
    Dk is more of a necromancer wearing plate armor instead of a mage. Unholy is the spec which focuses on spells, however on pets aswell.
    Paladin is a priest wearing plate armor using holy spells + melee combat.
    And a shaman... Well they're using dual wield as enchancement.

    So you got a necromancer or a priest.

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