1. May 16, 2017  

    Bugged on Lost Isles, need a GM to TP me out

    I was questing in Dustwallow Marsh and randomly I'm on a golbin airplane and it flies me across the continent way out in the ocean and dropped me. I die of fatigue. I rez and take a flight path back to Dustwallow. Same thing happens, so i logged midflight. When I logged back on, I'm on the Lost Isles and my hearthstone is somehow set to here so I can't hearthstone or unstuck or use website. I'm stuck here. I have this buff named "Sassy's Flying Machine".

  2. May 16, 2017  
    If you are the guy I saw named Mofia, use the ingame unstuck.

    GMs will only spend time taking Goblins and Worgens out of the zone because those races can get zone locked.

    After you use ingame unstuck, change hearthstone

    Things to know:

    The marsh is known for this infamous Hs trick, it will cause you to go to Lost Isle when you hearth.

    Unstuck (excluding Worgens and Goblins)
    Web Unstuck - Brings you to Hearthstone location.
    Ingame Unstuck - Brings you to Starter Zone location.

    If you Alt+F4 while in a Transport Vehicle or Passenger Mount and relog,
    you'll be forced to your Hearthstone location (in this case, Lost Isle).

    You can ask for:
    Mages to go there (many mages have saved there, for this purpose alone) to bail you out.
    As global for Summons or a Lock.

    If you are NOT a Worgen/Goblin, simply Unstuck.

    Known Characters in the zone:
    Pusblume, a mage orc
    Some Rogue they call Savage Man, a phased looking/box druid-like rogue who is Horde.

    Also it is possible to get to Kezan, if you know how to swim there.

  3. May 16, 2017  
    Thanks for the response. Last night when i tried tp to nearest graveyard, it just tp me back to isle. 9 hours later, it tp me to human start zone. Weird...

  4. May 24, 2017  

  5. May 24, 2017  
    Ah yes. The annoying orc mage. I seek and slaughter him like the invisible entity that I am whenever he spams his cancer on global.

    The Savage Man, the rogue, pit up a better fight than the mage.

    If you are a Goblin or Worgen, only the aid of a Gam Master can save you, if you are not those 2 races, the ingame unstuck is your tool.


    There is a total of 5 bug areas which I call wormholes. Each brings you to either Gilneas, the lost isle, Death Knight Zone, some weird undercove area, another place off the plain of existence whereas you CANNOT control your character (The Black Hole), another random one is Southshore and Tarren Mill (Classic).

    Venture too far off these zones you are sent to, you will get stuck in Limbo, not Gilneas or dk zone, unless you get TO'd out of map.

    Fun Fact: What took place on October 25-31, rhe Gargoyles in Gilneas was the result of a pissed off player who had been stuck in the zone for a span of 7 days, hence this ouccerance. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=343149

  6. May 25, 2017  
    @Huntersmark This sound like tone of fun can you show me this locations :D

    PM if you can.

  7. May 25, 2017  
    If you stuck, Horde, at Lost Isles I can help... My mage have Hs to Lost Isles for ppl who have Problem... you can find me with name DarkTroll (is the Mage) or on my alts Derpdruid, Shargeras.

  8. May 25, 2017  
    @Huntersmark This sound like tone of fun can you show me this locations :D

    PM if you can.
    The less people know about these things the better, I do not show people these things but I do warn people of certain zones, the marsh for example. However, the curiosity of discovery is for one to find out these areas alone.

  9. May 26, 2017  
    @Huntersmark This sound like tone of fun can you show me this locations :D

    PM if you can.
    There is one in Ruins of Gilneas. Unlike the Lost Isle one, this one is QUITE trippy to gain access too :)
    I go there to assist Worgens on how to exit the zone and what to do if they are lost before they phase.

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