1. May 29, 2017  
    He probably mistyped. I understand what he's saying. Donating should always be an option, if you enjoy the server and want to help its longevity then donate, but in this case it's forced. You are literally forced to donate just to experience this game until it crashes 3 hours in. How is that fair. Sure I'll donate, but only if i can actually play the game without being forced to throw $10 at it. Not even $10 for a lifetime, but $10 every 30 days. This isn't retail and never will be, stop treating its players like this game is actually legal or something..
    I guess I'm confused? 10 bucks a month? I paid like 12 bucks over a year ago for items on frostmane, and guess what....no queues lol...To be completely honest, 10 dollars one time to skip these queues? If you plan on making this experience into something fun, 10 bucks is real cheap.

  2. May 29, 2017  
    @obnoxious why are they still allowing multiboxing with the way que times are? Who know's how long the que would be or if there would even be a que w/o multiboxing. Makes no sense other than wanting more ppl to pay for que skips.

  3. May 29, 2017  
    @obnoxious why are they still allowing multiboxing with the way que times are? Who know's how long the que would be or if there would even be a que w/o multiboxing. Makes no sense other than wanting more ppl to pay for que skips.
    #1. Multiboxers are a tiny number in the population, changing that wouldn't magically make the queue vanish;
    #2. Our policy is allowing it;
    #3. Either they have to wait in line to get their whole team in-game, or they donated multiple times to skip queue with all their characters.

  4. May 29, 2017  
    The $10 a month was a misunderstanding, sorry for the confusion. I will donate to skip queues when i get my paycheck, but I really wanted to get on while at work been trying since 8 am est

  5. May 29, 2017  
    #1. Multiboxers are a tiny number in the population, changing that wouldn't magically make the queue vanish;
    #2. Our policy is allowing it;
    #3. Either they have to wait in line to get their whole team in-game, or they donated multiple times to skip queue with all their characters.
    But it would magically make the que's smaller would it not? But you answered it correctly with #3. Should have just said that.

  6. May 29, 2017  
    True, if 200 people are multiboxing 3-6 characters that's 600-1200 people not being in line, which is right on par with the number in queue most of are at.

  7. May 29, 2017  
    Every time i check forum i see this guy demanding donations 24/7 from 5 accounts
    Maybe find a real job instead of bullying kids to pay for a copyrighted game?

  8. May 29, 2017  
    Could you care to explain everyone how would you add a faction queue when the queue is only possible to add before you choose a character?
    Jesus ****ing christ.
    other tbc servers did it man, warmane pays his devs probably easy to do, u can limit accounts to only 1 faction i saw it in some servers too.

    I repeat, faction based queue, solves both problems currently in outland, queue and balance. The people who dont pay and is currently ****ed because if u dont pay u dont play (aka 10h queue) will have the chance to play in ally side to help the server balance, that will solve the problems.

    Nobody is gonna use the faction change to go from horde to ally maybe some crazy guy that enjoys bg.
    Instead people is asking about faction change from ally to horde.. XD
    Edited: May 29, 2017

  9. May 29, 2017  
    I wouldn't say they're bullying, but they could easily put a few thousand aside to upgrade server load. Idk the process and power needed to run a server, but I would imagine upgrading it to hold at least 20,000 people and upgrading the strength to prevent lag and crashes is a very miniscule amount compared to what the server is currently making

  10. May 29, 2017  
    Literally 0 difference between 15k and 20k. Both are epicly overfull considering TBC was designed for servers that had 2475 cap...
    Medivh isn't an option as it has 1x rates, and the main reason people play here is because they're so tired of levelling.
    Donating isn't an option... It shouldn't ever be an option.

    Feels like this queue is 100% artificial to force people to donate.
    Dude delete this post or you'll get banned...Unless you play Horde, then don't delete it I'm sure you'll be fine...

  11. May 29, 2017  
    I wouldn't say they're bullying, but they could easily put a few thousand aside to upgrade server load. Idk the process and power needed to run a server, but I would imagine upgrading it to hold at least 20,000 people and upgrading the strength to prevent lag and crashes is a very miniscule amount compared to what the server is currently making
    You realize that 20,000 people on one server isn't even support by Blizzard servers right? The cap is like 3k or something. 20k is substantial and expensive to maintain.

  12. May 29, 2017  
    Could you care to explain everyone how would you add a faction queue when the queue is only possible to add before you choose a character?
    Jesus ****ing christ.
    Only one faction per account on that realm? Just like it used to be on retail? Get of your high horse.

  13. May 29, 2017  
    is this a joke?? just got relocated from position 6 to 2468.... after 8 hours..

  14. May 29, 2017  
    I'll never understand the complaints of these people. You guys are willing to wait 15 hours in a queue to play on a x5 server, but you aren't willing to level on a x1 server with no queue. If you have that much time you can just sit in queue all day, I imagine you have enough time to play on the x1 server instead.

  15. May 29, 2017  
    Donors logged in.Donate 10 bucks seriusly,it aint that much money,i donated that much x300.So 10 bucks is piss in bucket,2 beers.Skip que,get coins,buy something nice when shop is out.

    Dont be that cheap guy!

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