1. Multi botting

    Is multi botting an offense? I've noticed there is a subsection on the forums for them.

    They're a huge pain. Not only are they inflating the population but they can also one hit anyone question near them. Which is kinda game breaking. I enjoy a bit of world pvp scrapping over mines etc but come on. Botting is pure cheating and it should be a ban.

  2. Its multi boxing not botting, why should it be banned when its allowed on retail?

  3. It's not against the rules; though it is rather annoying.

  4. eh, you should learn the difference between botting multiboxing first, just saying

  5. well let me list why they're a problem.
    They push the population up, queue times are already crazy long.
    They disturb the population balance which as been a problem lately war and has been trying to fix there are guilds dedicated to is exploit
    They disturb people playing legitametly. How is it fair a multi hacker can just on shot anyone relative level to there own?
    If I'm not mistake in blizzards tos you can only have one account per person which suggests multi boxing isn't allowed actually. The only reason they don't crack down on it is because it benefits them financially.

    And finally it's clearly cheating.

  6. Multiboxing is allowed on our server. Please read our server rules.

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