Hello all. I searched many websites to improve visiual of wotlk and I found many modellers/3d graphic artist's resources.
1) HD characters: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=10800.0 there is a latest version of HD characters by fisternis.
2) HD creatures and mounts: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=10729.0 fisternis ported and recustomized legion mounts and many creature models to wotlk. Mounts becomes cooler and raiding have good experiencing.
3) HD tilesets: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=11051.0 fisternis remastered tilesets on wotlk. He improved tileset pixels to 512x512 and you can see some legion tilesets (like dalaran). Stormwind/orgrimmar/shattrat/dalaran etc. looks perfect with that tilesets.
4) HD water: https://mega.nz/#!85sHzRJT!0SnVwZp24...W6TiFZJR8zZFB0 mily on modcraft imported cata water models to woltk. Water quality become better.
5) Cataclysm music to azeroth: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=11012.0 Mightylink on modcraft imported catacylsm zone musics to wotlk azeroth. Environment atmosphere become better.
6) Draenor musics to outland: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=11013 Mightylink imported draenor musics to outland. Exploring outland become more funny.
7) Legion Dalaran Musics to Wotlk Dalaran: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/worl...c-3-3-5-a.html Hordys8096 from ownedcore imported legion dalaran music to northrend dalaran music. Dalaran become legion dalaran and you feel the atmosphere of legion.
8) Wod Loading screens to azeroth: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/worl...s-3-3-5-a.html Hordys8096 imported wod hd azeroth loading screens to wotlk. Loading screen quality become better.
9) High-detailed Druid forms: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=9822.0
10) Darker nights: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?top...33329#msg33329
11) Blood mode: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=13716.0 When a target hit by weapon, target bleeds.
You just need to download links and copy to wow data folder. Same patchs have same name like (Patch-U/T) You can change patch name to ''Patch-X'' I didnt see any problem with new names.
Note: I'm not the owner of resources! You will get wow errors while using that models. You need to use https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/t...-aware.112556/ for .exe programs for remove error issue. You can donate owners of resources to improve their work. Have fun!
Knowing bugs: Npc model textures weird. You need to ignore them. HD water doesnt work on some places.