Emerald Dream is a PvE progression guild placed on horde side. We are trying to create a place where every player will get a chance to progress to end game contect. Curently we are recruiting anyone who is 6k+ GS and anyone who is ready to start expiriencing thrills and pleasure of WOTLK raids such as IceCrown Citadel and Ruby Sanctum...
We are also forming achievment and gearing runs such as Onyxia 10&25, Obsidian Sancturm 10&25, Naxxramas 10&25, Ulduar 10&25, and many other raids and instance in order to help our guildies progress and get in track with end game raids fast.
Requirements to join our guild:
- We invite mainly level 80 members
- Your Gear Score should be around 6K+
- Patience and basic knowledge for WOTLK raids
What we offer to you:
- Very nice and helpful community
- We are making sure to gear every one of our members and find a spot in raids for every one of our members
- Alot of fun and thrills in raids
If you have more questions feel free to whisper one of officers:
Arniskhan , Arniswarden, Arniskill, Shamangasm
Dreamshifter, Enigmapsyche
Theralion, Haldoren
Curent progress: IceCrown Citadel 10man Normal 12/12
IceCrown Citadel 10man Heroic 6/12
Ruby Snactum 10man Normal 4/4
We are recruiting more people to work on 25man runs and starting soon achievement runs such as Naxxramas,Ulduar and many more.
For more info u can whisper ingame: Arniskhan, Arniswarden, Arniskill, Shamangasm or Dreamshifter, Enigmapsyche.
Last week we have done RS25N 4/4 and Icc25n 11/12 with few attempts at LK.
Our recruitment is open for every class and spec, we are mostly in need for good tanks and heals.
This week we did Icc25n 12/12. Took us 3 attempts to down LK.
Curent Progress:
TOC10&25N 5/5
TOC10HC 5/5 (50/50 Tribute to Insanity)
ICC10N 12/12
ICC10HC 10/12
ICC25N 12/12
RS10N 4/4
RS25N 4/4
We are gona start working on second Icc25n group and Icc25hc so our recruits are open!