1. I'm not going to get any sassier than need be, because it's a game and this is an online forum, but your presumptions Whiksey fall flat. I know from years of experience in different fields that professional environments are driven by due dates and deadlines, no matter the scale. Time literally is money, whether it be in coins you purchase on a private WoW server, or actual dollars you earn in the workplace. Like Oolek said, some of us are actual paying clients of Warmane. People who have donated to their cause because we appreciate their service, and expect more from them than what was delivered today.
    Also, not to take away from their task, but your appeal to the amount of time it would take to alter the accounts is irrelevant. You could whip up a function that recurses through each account and properly cuts their lump sum total of gold in half and moves on (depending on what programming language their source files are in.) Regardless, there was a lack of professionalism today on the developers part, but that's okay because it's all over and we can move on and be better next time.
    Edited: January 5, 2018

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