1. idk why ur acting like u know why they dont comment, they dont comment because thats warmane they dont give a ****. if u aren't off t5 content by now ur so behind it doesnt even matter and 90% of the gear is already on the store. People are holding off on not just spending coins but donating all together because most people already have t4 and t5 gear so it is already slow as its gonna get and only way people are gonna buy coins if new items like TK mace, 2h sword and vash bow get on market place. they gain people donating coins.

  2. I agree, I'd also like an update as to when S2 gear will be available on the store. I've been patiently holding onto my coins.

  3. You can be sure, it won't come out before BT release. As someone mentioned in another thread, it is unlikely they will do two updates of the shop. So it might get updated at same time as the current PvE-Gear gets added to the shop. This may happen 1-2 weeks after BT release, so at start of february? (just, what I think)

  4. that would be really annoying >.<

  5. I know you guys are busy but a quick ETA wouldnt hurt anybody....

  6. when the second season opens in the store?

  7. Does anyone know if Hyjal Summit items (not T6 but like Trash mob drops) will come to the shop once BT is release? or is that too new of items? And if not, up to which raids are planned to be added? Anyone know? : )

  8. T6 trash drops from MH will not be on the store that early. We should get the rest of the tier 5 and the season 2 gear around the BT release, maybe a little after.

  9. Heyoo,

    Was just wondering if anyone knows if they will add new miscellaneous items such as tabards to the shop?
    Specifically the 'Tabard of Summer Skies' and 'Tabard of Summer Flames', as I know these were added to the Icecrown store.

    Cheers Guys

  10. bump, mods say something please :(((((((((((((((((

  11. wait until BT release, just be patient ... it's like children always saying: "But I want to know it NOW!!"

  12. wait until BT release, just be patient ... it's like children always saying: "But I want to know it NOW!!"
    ive been patient for a month now.. dunno but the fact that mods arent replying is kinda sad >.<

  13. bump, mods say something please :(((((((((((((((((
    Moderators do not have any info about this, otherwise one of us would've said something already. This thread has been forwarded already few days ago, so there isn't much else we can do.

  14. The update is scheduled to happen some time this week. It's not a high priority since we've had other things more critical on our mind as you've noticed in the last few days.

  15. Absolutely understandable and not always easy to schedule all this stuff. So keep up the good work, nice one!

    And to all the people who constantly ask for ETAs etc.: show a bit more trust to our warmane staff; it's done when it's done, and it comes, when they think, it makes sense. Love it

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