1. Will Alliance -> Horde Faction changes ever be enabled?

    It's pretty **** being stuck on a dead faction in terms of Pve.

    Impossible to find any halfway decent T5 guilds (most have been stuck in T5 content for 2-3+ months) and 99% of the few T6 guilds only recruit the odd specific healing class.

  2. Don't expect anything different on horde side. There is no 'halfway decent' t5 guild. If a guild is still stuck in t5 at this point then they'll probably be stuck there for a while.

  3. I disagree but I guess I can't really know unless I was playing Horde. By viewing the Recruitment section for Outland there just seems to be a ton more options.

  4. Highly unlikely that they'll allow for Alliance to Horde transfers. The point of allowing Horde to Alliance in the first place was to populate that faction. It would be counter to that philosophy to enable a draining mechanism for that faction.

    You have some options.

    Most difficult: Start a guild. Recruit competent players. Out of some 3000-5000 active players at any given time, odds are fair that at least 25 of them are competent level 70s. Progress through T4 into T5. Rejoice.

    Mildly difficult: Start a horde character. Level to 70. Join one of the numerous guilds.

    Medium difficulty: Run heroics, impress others with your skill and wit. Inquire and join the guild of folk who equally impress you with their skill. Wait around for them to do an attunement run for recruits.

    Easy difficulty: Piss and moan. Lament your choices in life. Blame El NiƱo.

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