1. [ANSWERED]AFK"abuse" ban

    Anyways I am not here to "appeal" afk ban for 3 days but I am curious to see the proper response regarding the issue.

    I got banned for 3 days on my multi boxing accounts for "afk" abuse.

    Being able to flag AFK people is really important since so many botters and afkers ( I got banned at very same bg where 3 people got AFK kicked due to AFKING for 2 full minutes).

    Also, it is very important to mention I do flag my self as AFK too so if I don't do any action for 2 minutes I'll get kicked as well.

    So please, in professional manner explain to me how is AFKing flagging entire group considered abuse on Warmane when such case it is not considered abuse on the retail.

    Further more, ban occured as I've said literally on the same bg where 3 people got kicked for "Afking" and in end I got banned while they leeched battleground.

    If you could shed light on this I'd be more then welcome.

    Furthermore, this is the very first case I've seen this type of ban in 8 years since I am here.
    In addition, I didn't even receive a whisper regarding the ban so I can't even see which GM issued a ban.

    As I've said this is not ban appeal since there is no point appealing 3 day ban and the appeal would take at least 5-7 days to process.

    Kind regards,

    Edited: July 27, 2018

  2. I will show this to Aldtharios when he get around.

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