1. New player DPS class help

    Hey all! So im new, just transferring from another server to Icecrown and need some help. So im more of a DPS guy, always have been. Im terrible at tanking and healing so DPS is all I know. Anyways since this server is different from LH (I think LH is on 1.1.12 and this is like 3.3.5 or something?) I was wondering if I could have any advice on what the DPS classes are like in this server. I understand its based on skill, so im not looking for what "tops" the charts or whatever, just some info/guidance on the DPS classes and what would be best suited for PvP and for PvE, separate of course. I will be playing on the Horde too, just a personal choice.

    If there is any other info I should know about please feel free to let me know aswell! It will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! :)

  2. You can never go wrong with Rogue or Mage.

  3. You can never go wrong with Rogue or Mage.
    Rogues are dog ****

  4. you can go anything, 3.3.5 is way more balanced than 1.12

  5. Rogue or mage because there's not that many of them compared to platers like DKs or ret Paladins.
    Any class does good dps with BIS gear and that's the only charts you're gonna see on here, it's mostly fury warriors you're gonna see praised here and fire mages, but other classes can be competitive if they're not both completely bis (SM for warr, great raid comp for mage).
    Pick whatever you like, who cares anyway, there's a ton of characters and someone will need whatever you pick for one of their runs.
    If I were to start today as a pure dps I'd pick a hunter maybe, not bad dps at lower gear in dungeons, some nice utility (slows, MDs, traq, pvp reduced healing, silence, incapacitate) or a warlock (13% magic dmg, soulstone, summoning stone, raid spell power buff).

  6. Wouldn't recommend MDPS as someones first class. Raids prefer RDPS due to their ability to spread out to dodge mechanics and consistently do damage. You just get into raids and even guilds easier.

  7. Thanks for all the advice everyone! I didn't realise the server was x7 experience so I made a Warlock, Mage, Rogue and Warrior and gonna see which one Im feeling the most

  8. go for the rogue its very nice for ganking horde in ogrimaar

  9. I guess rogue is perfect for both gearing and solo playing in rbgs duo to stelth.
    But any class exept shaman works as a dps.

  10. full bis enha shaman is insane in pvp dps what are you talking about?

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