1. Just another one Multiboxer topic

    I get Warmane likes its multiboxer buddies so I wont speak about how they imbalance PvP, farming and the general ideology and pathology of the game design itself just to save you the long read , so Im gonna be short:
    -Keep your multiboxers... but keep them out of Wintersgrasp
    Heres why:
    I dont think its fair 1 player to take spot for 15 + other players and then u see 60 people thrown out of WG because its "full" while there 5 multiboxers oneshoting everyone with Starfall. And its becoming a poop fiesta because its getting popular and even trendy its like multiboxer wars when its time to Wintersgrasp, its no longer whos playing better or have a better strategy but who has more multiboxers... at least we can /pvp off at Orgrimmar since they come there as well.
    And yeah here i am on the forum complaining about something the staff wouldnt care about but for *** sake i played WG for the past 3 days grinding it like crazy i had only 2 wins and every loose vs a multiboxer, not to mention there were many times where i couldnt enter because it was full (again bc of multiboxers).

  2. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=241277

    "Multiboxing - Our policies regarding multiboxing aren't up to discussion. If we decide to change them, we will do so of our own accord. We are more than aware of any and all arguments you might want to make about it."

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