1. SoloQ and Arena Spectator NPCS

    please consider adding the mentioned in the title NPCs to the other capitals besides Dalaran, Stormwind City and Ironforge (for Alliance). Dalaran also is missing Arena Spectator NPC.
    I guess they were added in the most populated capitals so people don't miss it but I'm sure not all players want to be in crowded places. Stacking the players on the same spot often creates arguments and toxicity which personally I try to stay away from. It would be amazing to have these in Darnassus, Exodar, Shattrath and even Nagrand where the Ring of Trials is since it has normal arena queue NPC.
    Thank you in advance!

  2. Arena spectator is missing from Dala on purpose. They didn't want to overcrowd this already crowded city.

    About the SoloQ NPC, good idea. Would love to see other capitals at least a little more alive.

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