1. Make lightwell great again


    As a priest player in Icecrown, I have realized that even though the priest is the only class that has 2 healing specs; one always predominates the most; and that is disc. Afterdoing some research I realized Disco is always chosen since it presents a more reliable mechanic than holy; however I chose the holy tree because I personally like it and I know it has much potential, nonetheless I was a little bit dissapointed when I realized that 1 out of the 4 abilities the holy tree offers was never/rarelly picked due to its unefficient mechanic.

    That is Lightwell, an awesome and also a powerful spell that gives much of its flavor to the holy specialization. This due to the necessity of other raid members to click it in order to activate the buff. In order to make this short; I was wondering if IT IS POSSIBLE FOR THE ABILITY TO START INSTANTLY HEALING WITHOUT ANY PLAYERS TO CLICK IT IN A RADIUS NEAR WHERE IT WAS PLACED.

    I think this will be a very simple solution that will make the spell more suitable and usefull while also would encourage more people to choose the holy tree and create a much more complete experience; let me know what you think and thank you for your time! sorry for the grammar mistakes; english is not my native language, greetings.

  2. Buffing classes to make them (more) competitive is not going to happen. Elemental shamans have tried that at least 983 times.

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